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shafer's hammer and baraner's star, fury runeword #1 stormshield cruel mythical sword eviscaration.
Ok newb. First of all rhyme shield is my go to low levels. Resists, mf, manaregen etc. Especially on a sorc. Shael + Eth and you get blocking, faster block, 25 res 15 mana regen, cant freeze more gold and mf.
Vipermagi is a good one cant knock it too bad, although I always would go with a 4 ptopaz armor (unless i already got skulderes ire or tal rashas armor)
Tal rashas helm….. Again if not full set I would use Harlequeen shako if i had it, tarn helm, or peasant crown etc Or 3 sock helm for mf.
Light saber is good for mellee dins, wait no its not. Light saber is the coolest looking sword in the game, yet one of the weakest weapons in the game. Cannot get enough damage to leech steadily and out done by any decent runeword. Again will vouch for alibaba x 2 or Occulus for the MF. Depends on the character and runes you have currently.
Crescentmoon could be good for lowbies supporting a cb / cl sorc. for private boss runs
Prudence is not bad, non sorcs love enigma, mellees love fortitude the one with Enhanced damage, Chains of honor is better with skills types.
Angelic halo is on your list. !@#%$R%^#!#$@@$ Best mf resists rare ring with mana mod for sorc, or leech for attack types.
pala shield = spirit then maybe look at the exile shield maybe for the life tap depending on builds. hoz is not bad either.
lower resist wand i have never even thought about, nor would i due to repairs and charges. Nor have i had the need to lower any resists really til hell maybe nm cs/baal.
sorry i cant take anymore of this some decent items, but most of it the wrong pathway to being good in d2.
What about Goldstrike Arch, Mavina's True Sight, Riphook and Kelpie Snare?
you need to make a good PVP BEARDIN LIKE THIS!!!!!!
Andy helm 15/40 Jewel
anglic ammy and ring
Raven ring
Crafted Gloves CB10% Str and Dex
Nos coil belt
Fort armor
gore rider boots
heavens light 2 socketed with 2 shael runes
(Swap) lawbringer PB for decrypt + Dragon shield for venom
and of course Beast for werebear
use CTA with spirit for BOs and Demon limb for enchant
no skillers just SC with FRW/PSN 313 /AR/RES + torch and anni
Watching this video coincidentally after Diablo 4 release I realised Diablo 4 will be a dissapointment again and never be as in depth as this game for it's time was…
Great vid
Wut ? I recall Oath, Crescent Moon and Treachery being super used for mid level or season characters.
Even as a kid, I wear treachery then I will stand in a fire, after it procs I would then toss it back into the cube and use my regular armor for the extra pre buff before tackling harder content.
Obedience is legit least used though since most people prefer dual aura mercs (insight / infinity / pride etc).
i remember using sanctuary though
Noobs are funny 😆
You never said anything about doombringer other then the name 😢
you are a naap. a pvm
Upped vipermage is dope
Hey Xtimus, how could you forget about the passion runeword? I use it on my assassin and since it gives +1 to zeal combined with the burst of speed skill it is prob the fastest attacking char.
I used all these items except prudance…
This video is shocking for me.
When I was playing D2, I used a lot of those. This brought back good memories. I entered up giving law bringer and obedience to my mercs. Treachery was like one of the first descent runewords I made. I was building a hf bow paladin and the ias, fade and venom in that armor made my ranger shine… Until I swapped to a dragon armor, brand bow and dream helm 😁 haaa good times.
Pretty much ALL my characters end up using Vipermagi and Tal's mask. Although not most of those runewords as they almost all end up using a Shael'd upgraded Lycander's Flank. LOL
Sorry man, but this list is bad. Vipermagi is a top tier item that is widely used both at mid-levels and high levels. Some Sorc's actually prefer Jeweled PRes Upped Magi over Enigma or Tal Armor.
Treachery is THE prebuff armor. Douchebags would use it to prebuff for PvP (Considered Bad Manners) all the time. Some prebuff with it for Ubers too or on a Sorc to do stuff like MF Pit Runs.
Obedience is the runeword everyone that can't afford eBotD & Infinity uses. However, I see absolutely no reason to use it instead of Insight myself. Still, a LOT of people use Obedience.
Angelics are a MUST WEAR on Classic melee characters and even on LoD they're still commonly used, at least as a stash switch. In fact, I've been farming Bugged Hell Andariel for months only PlugY Single-Player in hopes of getting the ammy and still no luck.
Tal's Mask is a staple Merc Helm until Andy's and CoA are an option. I've used it on Single-Player barb a bit too, because as you pointed out, the mana and life leech is amazing.
No point in bringing up Whitstan's. Doesn't matter how high the block is, without res, it's inferior to Moser's. As far as Moser's goes, it's a no-brainer on single-player to double-PDiamond it for 63% all res. It's an awesome shield until you get the 4os Monarch for Spirit (Assuming you're using PlugY).
Here would be my list though. But I'd title it,
"Items that aren't used on B.Net much, but are awesome on Single-Player"
-Smoke: Good for both Merc's AND your character when res are needed.
-Steel Flail/General's Flail: Best level's 13-24 melee weapon/s in the game. Especially for Zeal and Double-Swing.
-Butcher's Pupil: Best level 39-60 1-hand melee weapon on single-player. Especially if Ethereal.
-Bloodfist: Absurdly broken at levels 9-25
-Saracen's Chance: Res and Stats. And good ammys are in extreme short supply on Single-Player.
-Duskdeep: Levels 17-25 Merc helm
All single player players know about these
Wish he would stop making videos. We've been playing this game longer than he's been alive.
I just turned hard in the beginning of the video
most of these are not op what so ever and ppl don't use them cause there is better items AND ppl always use lr wands and angelics so y are they on that list
Stone armor it's dirt cheep and turns your merc into a tank and a half (High Def)
The last half the video I agree with, no one ever uses those rune words but the first half…. all those items were heavily used and some were even BiS items for certain builds… so yeah. I dunno, kind of a half truth video.
Bullshits- All this items are used expecialy on hardcore mode.
% used to work for casters, cathan's set ring has 6%LL like why,,,
Lord de see us
Smoke is pretty good and dirt cheap
I rock a sanctuary troll nest and a moser circle as secondary. My merc had tals helm and crescent moon for a while too.
All of these are heavily used. Perhaps not on softie, but who cares about softcore.
Personally, I think an eth up’d woestave is very nice and greatly ignored.
A good thing to note. Any of this gear will get you through hell….. by yourself in a 1 player room. If you wanna tank an 8 man room your gonna need the good stuff. Just so you guys know.
I use Spirit Keeper on my Wind Druid.
TUUUURRR RUNE. Fking degenerate.
Wirt's leg
WE need D2 Lod Reforged !!! it will be Awesome.
I use all of these pretty consistently in single player or when i played non rush/jsp bnet
Great video man.
I’ve used every item on here lol even on ladder because I don’t often grind or play enough to get endgame items but I used a sanctuary sword for a kicksin and it worked REALLY well for some reason lol the aura is cool and rare so I liked it, as as for obedience I built a pole arm barb and got to lv84 and had all the best pole arms and even compared to Pride, Infinity, and all the others Obedience did the most damage and best for landing hits with that lv21 enchant and the 40% CB well… it crushes lol 😂
can u make a video about Bonemancer vs ubers ?
Title should be powerful items you definitely used at one point if you’re a diablo 2 fan.
You are correct
hello bro! do u use kolbot¿? i have any question if u can help me 😀
jokes on you, Skin of the vipermagi is my favorite gear in the game
Angelic ring and amulet is pretty common… Even viperskin also with talrasha mask
Was hoping for at least one item that I didn't use a lot or didn't know about the potential, but they were all popular, trade for nothing, regularly seen, items, that I found and used all the time, instead of enlightenment I got the wasted time… -.-''
Suprirsed you didn't bring up Andariel's Visage
Demonhead t really is one of the best helmets for Mele characters lol