Hearthstone Battlegrounds — This hank lifts. The early Hangry Dragon can still snowball out!
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Waiting for the lucky/unlucky kripperino to assure me that the salt i felt for the first 6 battles wasnt unreasonable
the FUCK! at 8:14 was glorious
I played a game yesterday where mine got 196/196. Got two off of double tabby cat triples on turn 6, then leveled up and got him triple on turn 7. Was gaining 20/20 stats a turn for 6 turns.
That was such an awesome Menagerie game
Been thinking about getting the tracker but the low percents would probably piss me off and the last thing my hearthstone experience needs is more toxicity lmao
Nice chonky Hank.
Krip how much for you to leave TSM and join us?
Even though Kripp had a good game, he still had some pretty salty moments at the beginning with really bad tie RNG. Let's highlight some of his saltiest times:
5:08— he had the worst possible RNG (or so he thought)
6:07— 4% chance to tie (and he did), which means his Hangry Dragon couldn't buff.
6:56— terrible hits in general
8:11— his good minion gets killed
8:22— tie again, which causes no buff on the Hangry Dragon
8:59— talking about bad tie RNG
9:56— loss (his only one in the entire game!)
13:00— really bad RNG with the Imp Mama hit on his opponent's big poisonous murloc
Where exactly can I find build examples? I have googled very often but I haven’t found anything.
This man deadass has spent the first 10 minutes complaining for only barely winning while chilling with 40 hp
I don't have to be a Kripperino to point out that Kripp was EXTREMELY salty this game.
He lost no health until the 10 minute mark but complained about games which he still won and ties even though he went with down to 4 minions fully aware that it made him weaker.
Nice hank bro
boat battle!
To the person reading this. | You"re amazing stay blessed, stay safe and have an amazing rest of the day.
The salt is real today
1:15 Skipperino the kripperino
1:33 Skipperino to recruiterino
Complains about loss probabilities at 40 health.
Oh wow just realised lightfang didn't eat a hero power buff until round 14 that's pretty lucky
damn he's good
Hangry dragon is just cursed card, when you buy it you almost 100% to lose even it is unable to lose
Question, why is megasaur in the game when beasts are out of rotation
Top damage: 89
I read the title as “my biggest wank ever” and the thumbnail made me extremely disturbed.
you compain so much dude. lol. i know some rng is bs but you complain ALOT. it gets annoying.
My favorite part is that you were using some of the most underrated cards all game.
Well forget Hanks stats, this video should be added to the micromachine appreciation list. That golden boy carried kripp to the end