MY DECK IS THE BEST PERFORMING DECK OUT THERE! | Galakrond Warrior | Standard | Hearthstone

I MADE THIS! Deck code: AAECAZfDAwjyBaCAA5KHA5KYA72ZA9+tA+O0A8XAAwtLnfACs/wC9agD2K0D2a0D2q0D/q4Dqq8D0q8D/LADAA== …


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20 thoughts on “MY DECK IS THE BEST PERFORMING DECK OUT THERE! | Galakrond Warrior | Standard | Hearthstone

  1. So this is why i keep seeing this deck… Trump this is some villain type energy

  2. That pirate/bomb/Galakrond warrior seemed pretty fresh and had some good synergies and tech against other decks. And it had a Zephrys!

  3. I feel like Trump needs to hear the consept "Tempo Good" from Zalea abit more

  4. What the actual fuck is Trump doing in the second shaman matchup? Geniuenly confused, was he doing a havent-slep-in-the-last-three-days challenge? What the hell was he doing? Awful plays constantly

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