My Warlock Deck has 1 Minion and that is all we need | Solem

King Phaoris is guaranteed to be in your hand on turn 5 as a 5 mana card after using the dark portal and guess what, you might even win the game afterwards! If you are not vic to ri ous just use renounce darkness or shadow council and get some random cards to win 🙂

Deck Code:



Some tags, pls ignore 🙂

hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter, phaoris warlock, wild warlock


#WildHearthstone #Hearthstone #Solem


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50 thoughts on “My Warlock Deck has 1 Minion and that is all we need | Solem

  1. Guess the number I am thinking of right now and win something special. Its something between 0 and 281 🙂

  2. I saw someone playing this deck yesterday. I beat it with libram Paladin. It was in gold elo though.

  3. After the absolutly shitty release of this expansion for the first time since beta this game will remain uninstalled , ive genuinly never been so pissed off at the broken shitty unbalanced untested state that this was put out in , and i do not care that they hot fixed a couple of cards , for the first day the whole game was buggy , there was almost no log in rewards and the ladder system was all over the place , along with demon hunter just being actually broken , Blizzard lost me on this one and i genuinly doubt there is anything they can do to make people like me who are just let down and pissed off to come back

  4. Hey Solem, I think I found a 40 damage OTK in deamon hunter.. I dont know if anyone else has thought about it.. You need Blackwald Pixie, 2* Clockwork Automaton and Metamorphosis. You can play Metamorphosis in one turn and do the otk in the next one.. you must reduce the cost of some cards with emperor thaurissan or with galvanizer . You play the clockworks (or clockwork +faceless) heropower the face play the pixie and heropower again… (I think it also works with double clockwork and a faceless with one heropower..)

  5. This vid had so many awesome rounds but you never played Renounce Darkness so now Im sad

  6. Tried your Zixor hunter today, but I faced nothing but resurrect priests in wild…. what the hell is wrong with people…

  7. I just wanted to say
    I hate res priest
    It's stupid
    It's not fun to play against
    It's not fun to play at all
    Fuck res priest

  8. Whoever plays resurrect priest should die in hell imo. They are too crazy: if you silence the taunts, they can still bring it back. The only way to kill them is transform

  9. Has anyone can send me name the opponent's deck? I mean this respawn priest? This priest is without quest right?

  10. Solem: *shuffling Murloc into his deck which potentially ruin the Dark Portal combo
    Also Solem: *draws Murloc right away without even noticing what he has done

  11. how did i miss this video yesterday? i thought i pressed the bell. well youtube doent like me i guess…. this video was a blast to watch 😀 id love to see this deck return some day

  12. ‘Amazing solem reads the cards!’ Then misplays because he didn’t read the card.

    Serves you right smartass

  13. "Priest should not exist". Yes. Thank you. Exactly that.

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