NERFED?! Not Galakrond Rogue! | Standard | Hearthstone

A lot of decks were hit quite a bit by the nerfs but Rogue doesn’t care!

Deck code: AAECAaIHHrQBsgLtAs0DiAfdCMf4AqCAA7SGA4+XA5KXA/uaA/6aA6GhA/yjA/KlA4SnA/WnA7euA7muA7+uA8GuA/6uA6qvA86vA4KxA5GxA+O0A5+3A8vAAwAA


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♬ Kevin MacLeod
♬ Ronald Jenkees


‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
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37 thoughts on “NERFED?! Not Galakrond Rogue! | Standard | Hearthstone

  1. Be sure…that a deck with 10 Legendary cards in it will be good……All the clases if u put 10 Legendary cards in them will be strong

  2. So which deck would you guys suggest me? Recently i´ve safed about 13K dust and would be able to craft one deck. After the 2nd nerfes are out it´s may quite a good time to go for my first time in ranked battles. Therefore I´d like to hear your oppinions. Thank´s in advance.

  3. And my Priestdeck would wreck this deck.. not even druid with turn 1 Embiggen, Embiggen, Breath beat my priest

  4. good to see that trump is building the deck i am playing since days:) im still playing it a bit more lategame-ier with togwaggles scheme to put in 10-15 kronxes or flyks into my deck once my library goes empty. also i have a 100% winrate vs revive quest priest which is the most hated deck right after galakrond warrior for me. vs warrior it all comes down to playing flyk vs the triple dragon card and surviving long enought to play a kronx every turn in late.

  5. Could someone explain why everybody finishes an opponent with 1 attack minion instead of 10 attack minion (when they can do that ofc)? Like, you attack with 10 dmg first and finish with 1, but isn't it cooler to do it in the opposite order?

  6. if zephyrs was smarter he would have given you shadowstep so that you could do it over and over again and get a huge edwin

  7. This is my favorite deck right now. I don't have the dust to play the highlander version, but Togwaggle and Flik are really fun cards. It's hard to dump my hand sometimes from all the VALUE!

  8. (2) zero mana 10/10s? 3 Alexstraszas? 0 board to full of 8/8s in one turn? I like this here deck

  9. Trump: "I would play Necrium Apothecary for 6 mana"
    Also Trump: removes Necrium Apothecarh from the deck after the nerf

  10. Wouldn't that legendary that makes your lackeys 4/4's for the rest of the game be pretty good in this deck? Or is that a class specific legendary? (thought its neutral). It's a 5 mana 4/4 if I recall that makes future 1 mana lackeys 4/4. With Galakrond your hero becomes add a 1 mana 4/4 lackey which is pretty good for value.

  11. you should think of using spectral cutlass tho since you steal allot of cards and it's a decent life gain option vs face hunter and aggro decks stuff like bone wraith and khartut defenders is too slow for this meta

  12. 7:57 would skyshiv-ing an alex get rid of all 4 copies you have? (3 dragon queen and 1 vanilla)

    I remember Hysterias video showing new Ysera being treated as Ysera (for Awakens) so I didn't know if it worked for the other OG dragons.

  13. since i don't have enough dust to make siamat,i use barista instead 😐it helps with magic wand or galakrond the nightmare.

  14. "Nurfs" is not a word! It's pure ⁿІġġΈЯ talk. Yuck! Also, it goes without saying that calling the opponent "they" is ⁿІġġΈЯ talk. But you keep saying it, so here we are.

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