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1:03 Skipperino Slysssarino
I know a lot of YT giveaways use the site to host everything for them, give it a look.
Its so fun to play tess against afk 😂
I was there, what a game!
From what I've seen about YouTuebe giveaways, the best thing to do is ask people to subscribe and then comment using a certain word or phrase so you can search for it. Maybe something like, "like and subscribe and leave a comment using the word Scholomance to enter!" Or if you're trying to spread the love, make it "use the word streamer and say something nice about your favorite streamer" or something like that.
is her HP disabled on turn 1? like could you if you wanted to, Boris it likevancleef where it stops you from using it when there's no benefit?
For youtube you can check if certain people liked , subbed and commented right ? Something something giveaway something something idea 🙂
Loving your content, when do you usually stream and do you stream other games?
is it st me or is murlocs stronger after this patch? if so why?
Don't give me the bundle, I don't even play the game anymore
You could do the whole "Subscribe and Comment with the word Scholomance in the comments section to enter!" style give away. You are slightly too big to do something like commenting with your favorite hero or something to enter
Seems interesting! Haven't gotten her to come up in my pool of characters yet, but was fun to watch and get an idea! 🙂
I'm doing giveaway as well. 😊
my first game with her I got fucked so hard in the early turns and wasn't able to stabilize with enemy boards later. if the entire lobby goes super aggro builds and you get shit luck you will end up like 6
I was wondering at the end if it is better to keep big murlocs and look for triples, buffs and Megasaur vs taking the Amalgam instead
Pick your favorite comment
Ey shes back! Great content as always.
Giveaway suggestion: Give me one? c:
I'm constantly yelling at my phone with her decisions
Raise up your volume, please
Maybe for YouTube do a giveaway (a link you can post in the description to the giveaway). That will also yield followers on twitter/twitch/Instagram.
Bundle plz :p
That moment when you click on an HS video to watch, then realize you watched it live on stream! KEKW
Bob said you were his favourite!