Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Mukla is bananas.
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Murlocs is the answer to everything
Mukla would be an ok her if u dont give the bananas to the enemy.
King mukla? Hes going to play beasts today!😊
Kripp: mRgLrGlE
Another possible cannon nerf: make it only trigger from pirates. It'd fit the theme, limit the token spam and put it on a somewhat equal footing to soul juggler
Would also be good with a micromachine
The fact that Kripp thinks murloc is one of the hardest builds to play is fucking ridiculous and just shows his ego more than ever.
I feel like even if Mukla didn’t give bananas to everyone else, he’d still suck.
King Murcla
Of course it’s gonna be murlocs, how crazy am I to think otherwise
Hey guys, krip here… they released a new hero that works with dragons and nothing else. But I tried it with murlocs and it isn't so bad.
Gonna be a sad day for kripp when murlocs are rotated out of the pool… Probably will happen some day.
Sure Mukla is insane :)) because we got triple on turn 3 into Zerus into Bagurgle and after that triple Brann into Megasaur xD
19:42 — This literally summarizes the entirety of Kripp's Battlegrounds gameplay in 10 seconds
@kripparrian, Just say it, your actually a murloc in disguise. Or are in love with Murlocs. Or both.
This guy is just unbelievably lucky.. it's ridiculous..
He is playing so bad it's painful to watch!
Played a game where we had mukla and Finley as mukla, everyone was mukla.
Mukla is strong i have played him several times always with great results. He has strong early game and since bananas are given to opponents at the end you are always +2/+2 ahead of them, plus you can buff normal.minions like cannon, soul juggler, baron, to make them unsnipable in mirrors, as well as cleave minions and zapp to snipe them right back.
this is just a gimped VC lol
Mukla's power should activate for free at the start of each turn.
No matter what, nowadays every game I play there are at least 6 murloc players. I think they need to do something about it. Murlocs are op, but whenever more players are playing, it sucks.
Damn thats some tiny pirates yoooo ~ mr murloc
ultimate endgame build with venomous tiny sea creatures exists and even though it is hard to pull of you can easily do it with luck
this hero is amazing with murlocs
what site does he use to see where heros rank?….mine is outdated as fuck and doesnt show based on stats
First time see the bartender giving two Brands in one turn.
We didn’t stop to ask if Murlocs should eat bananas
Kripp tried a murloc strategy with a hero. Surprising 🙂
Shows how broken Murlocs are, even Mukla can win with them.
Mukla is a worse Edwin, don't know what they drank before making that one up.
Mukla is insanely bad. Just a bad Edwin. I hope they change it to 3 banana oder sth else
Missed oppertunity to call the new hero "Murcla" smh
I played Mukla twice at 10k and absolutely steamrolled 1st place both times with murlocs and dragons. I do not understand why Kripp is saying monkeh is bad. Maybe Kripp is bad?
Hey guys today I'll teach you to play this new hero in battlegrounds! Step one get murlocs
kripp's thinking process: This hero is trash. Better try it with Murlocs
I don t get it 1 mana give (+1/+1)*2 and the others get a +1/+1.
Van. 1 mana give +X/+X (x=numbers of cards you buy) and he is not even OP.
So i don't get why make this champs just worst than other that is not that good either. Maybe there is something i dont understand but i feel they just put another useless heroe.
Every Hero is insane, if you play murlocs:))
And then you win 3 coinflips against high roller. That's very. Very. Good
Mukla would be pretty good if his ability cost 0. But not the best.
At this point, Murlocs are playing Kripp.
Jaraxxus is best hero for murlocs I heard
Kripp was not carried by Annihilan Battlemaster this game
be cool if you were capable of making a general evaluation and not a "is this good with murlocs eval" murlocs are obviously the best tribe but they aren't always gunna be
I dislike how murlocs only have 1 strategy, poisonous divine shield. It makes them quite boring to watch imo.
'New heroes are good!!!' Carried by murlocs and golden brann every video)
too much whining. enemy was favorit and won, how is that unlucky? the shakening afterwards. realy unwatchable kripp. long time sub unsubbing here
I keep getting top 4 with mukla I don't think he's that bad at all
Maybe it's because I watch YT instead of stream and so I only get the highlights but is can feel very frustrating to see you getting a Gentle Megasaur of a triple Brann and no less than 7 Coldlight seers in a match where everybody is playing Murlocs, while yesterday I was in a game where I was the only player going for murlocs and got only one Seer and a Bagurgle… Still good plays though!