NEW PATCH! Testing Out Tess Greymane, the New Hero! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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27 thoughts on “NEW PATCH! Testing Out Tess Greymane, the New Hero! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. This is definitely the worst hero for Savjz. He can never remember what his last opponent has, not even when he's actively trying to

  2. Brann bronzebeard’s hero power should be “passive; start with brann on board”, perfectly balanced, as all things should be

  3. Gets three easy triples with the hero power… That seems pretty broken to me. Its like a better version of Rafaams hero power. Altho Rafaam gives you the minion for 1 mana.

  4. should've definitely taunted the selfless and put it in front. That way the macaw survives its first hit and you get probably like 4 spawn of nzoth buffs. The way you did it you only got one spawn of nzoth buff and same amount of shields, with macaw dying.

  5. This hero needs to be more balanced, but I’m convinced it will get nerfed to a point that it’s still a good hero

  6. You should have taken the demon taunt or any other taunt which has low atk and then hope that he goes first and nadina dont die.

  7. took me a few minutes to realise this isn't hooktusk. I thought the new hero comment was a joke and didn't really acknowledge describing tess's hero power. i was going to say maybe blizzard shouldn't make all their dark-dressed cloaked women look the same, but the hooktusk art is actually quite colourful. i think my eyesight is just bad

  8. So new meta: hope you get Mukla as opponent and get bananas for Rivendare to avoid getting sniped by Zapp.

  9. 5:16 lol, you keep showing everybody that you dont know the game. You also forgot to say whats your opinion about the strategy for this hero is: "The seecret with this heero pawar is that you must level up fast" like you said about every other hero. Now go and tell your wife to comply to blizzard and cry that you didnt win this game

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