New Rise of Shadows Deck Recipes Reviewed - Hearthstone

Regis takes a look at all the new deck recipes included in the Rise of Shadows pre-patch.


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26 thoughts on “New Rise of Shadows Deck Recipes Reviewed — Hearthstone

  1. I want to see a batterhead and mega windfury warrior that tries to get festeroot huge

  2. I’d be really shocked if Whizbang made it past its rotation date. That’s blizzard giving up a LOT of money if you guarantee the public can at least play new archetypes every 4 months for free…

  3. i hate that those decks are bad on purpose, we get dragon and big warrior instead of new cool bomb warrior and some big shaman without mega-windfury guy 🙁 🙁 🙁

  4. I'm gonna say now what I've said in the past: Halazzi should not be underestimated. Perhaps before the rotation, there were better options in the most netdecked version of Midrange Hunter, but after the rotation, he will have a chance to show how amazing he is. You shouldn't underestimate getting a hand full of rush beasts.

  5. They should have really put Mountain Giant into the Khadgar Mage. It's a big hand mage already, so it should already be a natural inclusion, but on top of that it also has insane synergy with conjurer's calling, because you're guaranteed to get either Mountain Giant or Grave Horror, so conjurer's calling becomes basically a 3-mana twinspell faceless manipulator. You could make ridiculous combos like play Mountain on 4 into Khadgar + Conjurer's on 5 for 4 mountain giants/grave horrors. Or how about Khadgar + double conjurer's on 8 for 6 mountain giants / grave horrors ?

  6. 4:22 if u pay attention at the murloc oracle quote, it stand for "DO YOU UNDERR STANDD! DUHH?" which was from jojo bizarre adventure

  7. That last priest deck was horrible. Just lots of random cards and no payoff for having them. The rogue deck looks awesome. Having vendetta and the fence makes it so that the deck can survive which was it's problem before. Conjurers calling in mage there for the astromancers.
    And healdruid looks strong. Lifeweaver is a busted card so not having it in would be a horrible decision.
    In total: Blizzard are pretty good at building decks.But looking forward to building my own 😉

  8. I think building that shaman deck with a more dedicated early game overload package makes more sense. Really focussing on removal and survival and having muck morpher turning into a 4/4 unstable elemental isn't bad if you have a ton of overload

  9. Heal druid doesn't have a win condition. I don't buy that they'll consistently get the crazy value from Lucentbark that everyone seems to have such a hard on for and I think there'll be plenty of decks that can rush them down or just outvalue them.

  10. Those Decks just look as they were supposed to bait new players to craft expensive cards and toss them randomly into a deck. Like everyone of them has up to 5/6 legendarys which often do not even synergize with its gameplan. Pretty shitty premade decks from Blizzard which look like a bad bait for me.

  11. It might be that it fits my playestyle the most or that im just low elo, but dragon warrior, i had one of the best successes with (considering past expansion gameplay as well, also i havent thoroughly). Lynchen is definitely an overkill value, but I found proud defender a valuable addition to buy precious time, since you ain't quite playing minions for a long time anyways

  12. I'm aiming to make Ultimate Impfestation deck.
    To me it looks interesting , also it's not that crazy in dust as all other deck recipes are.

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