Night Caster-Book Menu Theme

The book menu theme in Night Caster Defeat the Darkness


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13 thoughts on “Night Caster-Book Menu Theme

  1. thank you so much i would rip this myself if i knew, but now i can easily listen to it

  2. You have my thanks for putting this up here. I really wish there was more video of this game, I keep half remembering the words for the spells. it might have been saddled with a rough control scheme, but it was original game play and an interesting story with some real stand out music like this theme. Any menu music you can keep listening to for an hour is good stuff.

  3. Thank you thank you thank you thank you SOOO much for taking the time to rip this track from Nightcaster. It has been stuck in my head for…what…a decade now? FUck. Eventually my original Xbox died, and my copy of the game was wrecked…life went on and I never got another, so all I had was my memory of it. Something about it just feels so right to follow along with between my ears, and it's incredibly fulfilling to hear it again 🙂

    You rock!

  4. omg i found it!! i played this when i was a young boy and my xbox and this game was gone and just wow thank u banjokazooie4ever

  5. Do you know the name of this song I love play this when I was young I was born in 97 and I was trying find out who made this song and the Artist name

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