NOW THAT’S HOW YOU END A GAME! - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — These games won’t finish themselves! This is how I get first.
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30 thoughts on “NOW THAT’S HOW YOU END A GAME! — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. Games are longer now which I like that way.
    I hate midrange builds in late game.

  2. Today might have been one of my worst mentally low days. The only thing that helps me feel better is seeing a notification that there's a new Kripp video. Thank Kripp for everything you do. You've helped more people than you know.

  3. "literal worst cleave" still broke a divine shield when he could have cleaved bran and the ship

  4. TIL golden cards spawn golden plants, but that's just cosmetic because they're still 1/1

  5. Everytime Kripp skips a minion in the thumbnail I think "C'mon man, didn't you see the title of the video?"

  6. played really badly this time (like always)
    .should have leveled
    .missing hero power to many times (keeps rolling till zero gold, without thinking of an actual possibility of a final round 1 v 1 mirror)
    .using mourozon for crappy opponent with mechs instead of saving it when he will face murlocs opponents.

  7. Next time you get Jarrrraxxxxus you must play Pure-raxxus. Only demons. No wrathweaver or juggler. Just pure demons like a true and pure Jarararaxxus. Hero power OP.

  8. is there any perfect game insted of MURLOCS who are most op in the game?

  9. dont really like bg state after update.If murlocs in the game its literally unplayable, like 6 people in the lobby try to pull of this shit because any other build sucks, beasts unplayable, pirates are literally bless rng attack first or i die, cobalt is ok but not great, dragons dont have time and health to scale, what a great time we live in

  10. Whenever I buy a new phone, I always compare the 2 screens by playing an intro of a kripp vid, starting them at the same time. His head moving around is exellent for this. It really shows the bitrate and pixelation difference like nothing else can.

  11. I liked his channel at first but now I just feel like his thumbnail and title is over-selling everything. It's just the same shit and nothing new. I'm done, cya boys.

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