Off To A Perfect Pyramad Start! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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31 thoughts on “Off To A Perfect Pyramad Start! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. This is why I hate murlocs right now, it doesn't matter what you are playing, or how strong you are, if your opponent has divine shield poisonous murlocs with reasonable health, you cannot win…

  2. they need to give the option to get rid of animations
    tripling animations really be too slow dood

  3. Aqctully fell asleep 5 mins with this crazy run cuz I've been working and wake up in time for that insane mackerel turn

  4. After 6 months of watching you, yesterday I started to play Battlegrounds and I get 3 first place and 1 second place. Thanks to you.

  5. Buying Tidecaller at 5 was correct imo. Your 7 attack minion wasn't one-shotting things anymore so you need to find another "big" minion for late game and Tidecaller(s) can grow exceptionally large throughout the game and become strong minions with health buffs.

    The only time imo where you don't care about large attack numbers is if you get poisonous at 6 (5 w/triple) and relying on finding poisonous is less consistent that growing your board with the minions arelady available to you. (You can always sell the tidecaller later if needed).

  6. Ахуеть
    Ппц пот, мама неси полотенце

  7. In case anyone wanted to know, don't try this on mobile… I lost bad 😅

  8. Hmm I think you have to not buy the tokens. I think it's more likely to get the tier 5 murloc on 7 roles and then outstat with golden bran

  9. A beefy deathrattle build or dragon with shield crack 'can' beat them, but murlocs are still too overpowered imho.
    I like murlocs having shield and poison, i just think their late game stats are WAY too high. Also that doesnt fit thematically since murlocs are rather small creatures and only strong in a bunch. Maybe coldlightseer should be higher tier and toxfin lower. Bagurgle could have 1/1 buff and 4/4 deathrattle. Think about it. 😉

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