Overwatch: Top 5 Most ANNOYING Heroes & How to Counter Them

How many of these heroes make your Top 5? Let me know below…

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40 thoughts on “Overwatch: Top 5 Most ANNOYING Heroes & How to Counter Them

  1. the hate for mei is real and then you see the animated short and she really wins cuz she looks too cuddly until she builds the ice gun.

  2. 1 genji
    2 tracer
    3 widow maker
    4 Bastion
    5 hanzo
    I love tracer and Genji even if they are annoying

  3. am i the only who just can't stand junkrat? Everything about him just irritates me to no end. Both in game and his overall design and personality.

  4. Junk rat should be in this list. Anyone who maians him is annoying and trash because they dont need accuracy to play junk rat……Im salty at junk rat

  5. Top 5 most annoying in Overwatch
    1. Pyro
    2. Zombies
    3. Gordon Freeman
    4. Adoring fan
    5. Nazeem

  6. I have 160 hours on Mei. Nothing feels better than waving a frozen Genji away before piercing is face with an icicle

  7. I don’t like how they took away hanzos scatter arrow. Even though it was very good it still took skill to aim and kill. You have characters like Baptiste who literally have an Immortality field that can make a HUGE difference in the game. And characters like Hammond who can make his own shield to make it harder to kill him. 🤷‍♂️

  8. 1: Mei. Nothing else to say.
    2: Bastion, because he's near indestructable in every sense of the word.
    3: Symmetra, all she does is throw her turrets in a populated space and racks up kills.
    4: Tracer. Hard to catch, annoying as heck, and too fast for her own good, everyone hates Tracer.
    5: Moira. She just chases you down, sucking the health from you and healing herself, and dashing whenever you actually get her low on health, then promptly throwing down a healing orb and continues to slowly suck away your life like a sicentific vampire.

  9. I like when you were talking about mcree and u mentioned reaper😂 this reaper kept trying to kill me in Quickplay when I was playing as a mcree he kept failing it was hilarious

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