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Deck code:
### Custom Priest
# Class: Priest
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 2x (1) Disciple of Galakrond
# 2x (1) Psychic Conjurer
# 1x (1) Reliquary of Souls
# 2x (1) Renew
# 1x (2) Penance
# 2x (2) Sethekk Veilweaver
# 2x (2) Thoughtsteal
# 2x (3) Apotheosis
# 1x (3) Madame Lazul
# 2x (4) Devoted Maniac
# 2x (4) Fate Weaver
# 2x (4) Holy Nova
# 1x (5) Convincing Infiltrator
# 2x (5) Shield of Galakrond
# 2x (5) Time Rip
# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Unspeakable
# 1x (7) Soul Mirror
# 1x (8) Murozond the Infinite
# 1x (9) Plague of Death
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Just wanted to be first. Lol
4:37:Is it hot in here,or just me?No its just me🤣
hello rly nice deck! any replacement for Madame lazul? thanks
ola man
by what i can replace madam lazul i dont have this legendary
The value is overwhelming and stupidly unfair. Nerf this disgusting variaton
My claws that bite, My jaws that catch!
I died wheezeng, and it was just at the start of the video
This deck is so fun to play. being a dick with their cards is amazin' i have beaten Druid, Galakrond Rouge, Highlander Hunter, and sometimes those pesky Demon Hunters.
Ohh its the deck that i made some week ago well its similar.