Priest is the best deck right now?! | Hearthstone Gameplay and Guide | Road to Legend ep 7

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Drop a comment if you want the deck code or you’re looking for some cards to replace and I’ll sort!

This is the 7th episode in a new series of videos called Hearthstone Road to Legend! Hopefully, you’ll find it educational seeing what a legend player does and also that no matter who you are, this game really wants you to cry.

In Today’s video we play some Egg Priest Also known as control priest with manasabers! The new Egg priest/control priest in ashes of outland is all about making a big dumb dude and smacking your opponent up. Galakrond, ,urozond the infinite and sethekk veilweaver are super fun and makes Egg priest/control priest one of the best decks to get to legend! This is a good Ashes of outland Priest deck, although demon hunter is still op after the demon hunter nerfs. This is a decent meta deck in hearthstone and a good way to get to legend quickly. — Enjoy the control priest/Egg priest gameplay and guide, let me know if there are any decks you are looking forward to seeing!

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