Pro Double Amalgadon Strats  - Slysssa vs Kibler - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

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27 thoughts on “Pro Double Amalgadon Strats — Slysssa vs Kibler — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. Slyss (or comment pros) you're better at this than me and I assume you're right but why is the Direhorn before the Burglers? I kinda get not having the poison one in front, the extra health on poison burger might outweigh the benefit of poison attack faster, but having them behind the Direhorn delays poison and extra health on the Amalgadoodle?

  2. I tried watching this without sound because i was in company, but it just wasnt the same. I just saved it for later to watch with sound lmao

  3. That taunt dragon turned out to be super clutch when it prevented the Brann from popping the divine shield

  4. Before the last round you didn't take Eliza because you said you'd only have 1 pirate attacking, but the windfury Amalgadons should also buff the board right? 22:43

  5. don amalgadon is certainly op, butt the random adapts ruin it, one time it got taunt, which allowed rafaam to steal it, i had a kalegcos comp and i sold an unit to get it, instead of freezing, instead of nadina, ended up losing cause i had to break his shields and i spent too much time on low levels to afford a transition or leveling. i think the best new hero is brann, simply because there are only a few battlecries early. you can get one or two triples easily and it doesn't really hurt you. you get a hyena or a big murlock and carries early game. since they waste the gold on levels you can get crowd favorite or zerus, or a simple vanilla menace. leveling to four makes hero power inconsistent, six would be fine, but 4-5 is bad(murozond or the murloc can be good). i got a 12-12 pogo right away on 2, some more later, sold the first and got 12-13? in total. at the end was bigger than my kalecgos or crowd favorite. had 5 zerus that game and leveling to 4 was a bad idea. amalgadon is a murloc comb generally cause you can discover him and its easier to buff than with mechs.

  6. Goldrin was worth +12/+12 I'm surprised you sold it instead of Bagurgle or maybe Mali.

    Great game!

  7. I'd just like to say, "Thanks!" your videos have made me a better player. I especially appreciate your videos on specific champions. You do a great job of conveying your internal rationale, which is very informative to those of us who don't happen to be quite at 11,000+ MMR just yet.

  8. You were cheating this whole game with that hero power and that HOI! Trick, I hope they nerf that.

  9. Hey Slysssa! Found out about your channel from Lt Eddy's Fireside Friends and you are an awesome BG streamer! Keep up the awesome work 🙂

  10. I have to say in your thumbnail, you look amazing, truly, just stunning. I really hoping that because I'm a gay I am avoiding some serious cringe, but wow, that is what quality advertising.

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