Puzzle Box CAN'T STAND THIS GUY | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1567

Puzzle Box CAN’T STAND THIS GUY | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1567

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ES_Nothing Left to Ask For — Golden Age Radio
ES_Strange Lady — Poindexters
ES_Angel In The Fire (Indie Pop Version) — Victor Olsson
ES_Blue Zones — The Fly Guy Five
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)

00:00 — Intro
00:28 — Moments
10:06 — Outro

(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:

◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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26 thoughts on “Puzzle Box CAN'T STAND THIS GUY | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1567

  1. I concede to opponents when they are eager to climb a rank 10 or 5 with an all in deck that quite does note work ; seems cool to not crush someones hopes from time to time.

  2. Comment question: out of all the class combinations in the dual class cards, which is the one you're the most afraid of?

  3. Well my opponent might’ve taken it for respectful. I was just on turn 4 in my game, nothing particularly special had happened, but the sound was a little loud for my likings. I went to go into options and my brain just farted and pressed the wrong button. My opponent was probably happy with that

  4. He played murloc raider on turn 1, couldn’t stand the agression I conceded.

    This card is op

  5. I was on D3 ranked and queued up against a Hunter. That Hunter had golden Millhouse, Nat Pagle, Lorewalker Cho, Hogger, Mukla, Gruul, Nozdormu, Majordomo Executus, Nat the Darkfisher, Hogger Doom of Elwin, Mukla Tyrant of the Veil. ALL golden. I wanted to concede at the very start but he just kept playing those golden goodies I had to see that and let him win

  6. I was playing highlander priest and he was playing highlander warlock but he ran Malchezaar
    We played the game and at the exact timing i was about to finish him i conceded because he deserved to win for playing fun cards

  7. Comment question: Eventually at some point every player must have experienced a disconnect while in a match,
    so what was the worst moment you got disconnected from the game ?

  8. When I run into a guy playing the basic set, I concede because they might have just started the game and I don't like discouraging new players.

  9. Anyone who did turn 1 smite to face, or turn 1 coin double smite to face. Laugh my ass off and concede. (very sad I won't be able to experience this ever again)

  10. The only way to respectfully concede to someone is if the person is playing a goofy combo deck, in that case i never concede because i want to se the goofy combo deck in action.

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