Quest Hunter Best Deck in the Game?? | Firebat Hearthstone | Descent of Dragons

I think quest hunter is the best deck for sure
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36 thoughts on “Quest Hunter Best Deck in the Game?? | Firebat Hearthstone | Descent of Dragons

  1. I disenchanted hallazi because its a bad card. Then i got the hunter quest in a control warrior meta so it got disenchanted as well. I feel like that guy who declines the ugly chick in middleschool just to see that girl evolve into a model lol

  2. I love how the Shamans always kill themselves by playing Shudder against Quest Hunter.

  3. Quest hunter was always good imo.i think people didn't play it that much because it's pretty one dimensional but the 5 Mana 21 damage burst is amazing

  4. I used to play a fuck ton of quest hunter during the last set. Even during the time the dumb wild cards came back I managed to get to rank 5. With enough time and effort I might've hit legend but the format was ass so I really didn't want to try, I was mainly just trying to get my hunter to 1000. No one ever knew how to play around the deck and I put in cult masters and witch's cauldrons to add more value to plays. When the wild cards rotated out again and I played the deck I just started absolutely stomping people because there was no more evolve shaman or nzoth priest/rogue to ruin my day. Now the deck is actually playable and it's weird to go into mirror matches against it this often.

  5. Are 8/8s good? That's coming right after our breakdown of whether lethal is a legitimate win condition here on Team 5 News!

  6. My IQ is low
    My deck is wack
    I press the button
    I get +2 GOLDEN attack

  7. Ouch, imagine being so braindead that you can't even win against a favorable match up using pretty much the strongest deck in game right now.

  8. The mirror is going to be awful. Cult Master puts clamps on you from playing too many minions.

  9. I have a Highlander Hunter deck with only the new hunter legendary as part of the DoD expansion. Galakrond shaman has yet to beat me outside of the ONE time I drew the worst possible curve my deck is capable of. Galakrond WARRIOR, on the other hand…oh god, I can't STOP losing against that. It hurts. A lot. I have to just keep playing and I keep my positive winrate but Galakrond warrior is a tempo deck with better board clear flow than Control Warrior. It's weird.

  10. This is what I find, I can beat shaman when they don’t play 2 5,6 taunts for 5 mana on curve. When I am playing agro.

  11. 5:50 have you tried hand buff pally? its working pretty well for me, even beating shamman sometimes. I use that 3/4 that buffs minions in hand for each minion played, grab all the good one cost units, magic carpet, and mountain giant. I use zil and the new paladin dragon with lifesteal for hp gain. Works surprisingly well even with the op new meta.

    The only reason im not spamming it on ladder is because I have over 1000 wins with paladin and im trying to get those other special heroes unlocked.

    Its got a higher win rate than my "real deck", pirate warrior, which is the only meta deck I have all the cards I need for it. I can with with shamman and it doesnt have all the cards, but you know, it has galakrond still.

  12. Boommaster Flark is decent card in quest hunter… Gives you 5 minions on board and you can use the hero power on the same turn to give the bombs +2 attack. At least a solid replacement for Shu'ma for those people that dont have Shu'ma.

  13. Just did 28 damage to my opponents face… Flark + hero power, he trades off Flark but cant trade the bombs, has two minions on board and next turn I do 2x hounds and hero power 😀 Also Faceless Corruptor is pretty much broken with Springpaw and Desert Spear. Reminds me of Crystal stag, which is a 5mana 4/4 and has a condition for the double… Much harder to get 2 of those on turn 5.

  14. Side quest hunter is way effective vs Shaman I won only 1 game vs side quest hunter and the reason is he coincided turn 2 after he couldn't track the side quest 2 times, so that like 1/15 games, but quest hunter I won like 4/10

  15. Not sure why he was having trouble against shaman. I've been playing quest hunter all expansion and shaman was my best matchup, somewhere around 65% winrate, around the same ranks as this video. It was to the point where I was actually disappointed when they nerfed shaman because I stopped facing as many and that made it more difficult to climb.

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