Quest Shaman is BACK w/ Transfer Student - Quest Galakrond Shaman - Ashes of Outland - Hearthstone

Quest Shaman is BACK w/ Transfer Student — Quest Galakrond Shaman — Ashes of Outland — Hearthstone
Rarran here, This deck is built around strong Battlecries, allowing some serious damage to be done when you finally get the Quest done and dusted. The reward, Heart of Vir’naal, allows you to spend 2 mana to double your Battlecries this turn.


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### Transfer Student
# Class: Shaman
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 2x (0) Mutate
# 1x (1) Corrupt the Waters
# 2x (1) Sludge Slurper
# 2x (2) EVIL Cable Rat
# 2x (2) EVIL Totem
# 2x (2) Invocation of Frost
# 2x (2) Questing Explorer
# 2x (2) Sandstorm Elemental
# 2x (2) Transfer Student
# 1x (3) Bogstrok Clacker
# 1x (3) Desert Hare
# 2x (4) Devoted Maniac
# 1x (5) Boggspine Knuckles
# 2x (5) Shield of Galakrond
# 2x (6) Corrupt Elementalist
# 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof
# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Tempest
# 2x (9) Mogu Fleshshaper
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
# Generated by HDT —

#hearthstone #ashesofoutlands #Rarran


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22 thoughts on “Quest Shaman is BACK w/ Transfer Student — Quest Galakrond Shaman — Ashes of Outland — Hearthstone

  1. This deck is awesome, I'm having loads of fun with it. Keep up the great content. Big like from me 👍

  2. Built a similar list yesterday once patch was live. Been destroying ladder with all the tempo and value 👌

  3. That last game with Alex in hand, it didn't make sense to use all your burn when you were planning to drop him to 15 anyway at some point, plus knowing Mag was on board and you have no way to evolve or protect the Wardens, so it'll likely come up. That was 8 damage from hand you could've used to resolve the Mag if you hadn't dropped both Kobold Lackeys to burn face. It's easier to to critique in hindsight, but I think if you slowed down and thought about next turn you may have been able to turn that around.

  4. oooo man if the priest went all in u would have been 1 hp :p…. The thing is though u lost when he casted the mass dispel

  5. Why are you surprised about quest shaman? It’s been the bomb since the start of AoO.

  6. This actually looks really fun! Definitely going to try it! I always loved galakronx shaman.. until they nerfed it off the face of the planet.. fuckers!

  7. Mana burn is fine, so I'm going to do this. Most stats is this but I dont have enough mana so I'll do this

  8. Is it just me or is any one else finding after winning a game, the person you just beat sends you a friend request, just so they can insult you, this has been happening to a lot recently (7 times just today), what’s happening to hearthstone players.

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