"Don't Craft This Shaman Deck" | Firebat Hearthstone | Ashes of Outland

It’s terrible.
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis


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39 thoughts on “"Don't Craft This Shaman Deck" | Firebat Hearthstone | Ashes of Outland

  1. Not gonna lie, if that's what his hair looks like now I don't blame Firebat for keeping facecam off this whole time.

  2. “Don’t craft anything in this deck.” Good thing I have all these cards! My packs love shaman cards for some reason.

  3. Is the lore behind the "no cam" that Rachelle gave you a bald haircut and didn't like how it turned out?

  4. Firebat facecam is nice but I think we all want a close-up of that quad color pen

  5. Welcome back, Batcam!

    It's sad that Shaman is always either turbo OP or high octane garbage. Never in between.

    Also, Awesome Alliteration!

  6. Your videos are way more entertaining with seeing you react to things. Watching standard HS videos with no facecam is kind of boring. :/

  7. Oh hell yeah, I can finally see what I came here to see: the Batcam! The hearthstone video in the background is neat too I guess.

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