RAGE AGAINST THE META!! Insane Armor Gains to Bust Demon Hunter! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

Enrage Warrior is a prominent Tier 1 meta deck right now, but this tweak on the deck shifts things into a more defensive mode with Scrap Golems and other armor gain cards like Kargath, along with a handful of taunts and handbuffs. It’s probably not quite as strong as the real version, but making giant Scrap Golems to gain tons of armor is ridiculously fun!

Decklist: https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/15598-enrage-armor-warrior

#AshesOfOutland #OutlandDecks #Hearthstone

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | RAGE AGAINST THE META!! Insane Armor Gains to Bust Demon Hunter!


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43 thoughts on “RAGE AGAINST THE META!! Insane Armor Gains to Bust Demon Hunter! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. I had a enrage warrior deck before this so its good to know that i will have a decent deck with your deck

  2. So I played this list, accidentally queued into wild like an idiot, came up against Jade Druid. I won the game on Turn 9 with 88 health + armour 😂

  3. If these Decks continue I wouldn't be suprised if demon hunters started playing at least one copy Plate Breaker in their decks

  4. Omg the first opponent was so bad with the order, so many misplays I refuse to believe he could possibly be diamond. Not even this new rank system should allow that.

  5. Regis could’ve used goblin lackey on the injured Tolvir in the first game and gotten 2 copies of it with rush

  6. 16:20 It can: Slam own minion and pull Rampage for 3 extra damage. Alternatively, pick Battle Rage and go Skipper + Lackey, then BR to draw 4, one of which could be Rampage or two of which could be Inner Rage. Also Lanced last? That could have been another chance at fishing for lethal.

  7. I think demon hunter was handled a bit clumsily on Blizzard's part. We have mage, warlock, shaman, druid, warrior, rogue, priest, hunter, and paladin, then they introduce a new class and it's… demon hunter. But… we already have hunter. So now we have hunter and demon hunter. Alright, so it's someone who hunts demons… who is also a demon… So, it's demons who hunt demons? Oh, but some of their minions aren't demons. Also, the only class that does not appear in the classic set. So, if you get classic packs from winning tavern brawls, you can get cards from the original 9 classes, but you need Ashes of Outland packs to get demon hunter cards… WTF?

  8. i put platebreaker in my hunter and demon hunter cause of decks like this.. surprisingly.. helps a lot at diamond 5 through legend climb so far… way to many warriors.

  9. I feel like a control warrior would be pretty good. Bladestorm seems like it'd be pretty good against all of demon hunters 2 health minions. Plague of wrath vs enrage warriors amazingly counters their power risky skipper turns. Big threats and taunts to stop hunter smorking and armour to counteract the inevitable damage

  10. Wrathspike brute is classified as a demon because it is a DH using metamorphosis making it temporarily become a demon, it’s in the lore

  11. You get a dislike for making Hulk a dh…….. Disgusting. Could of been magneto or something.

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