This video was streamed by Rtgamecrowd, originally titled «Making a Christmas village for Santa to die in», and was broadcasted at December 24th 2019
All Rights go to Daniel (RTGame):
#RTGame #CitiesSkylines
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Rewind the clock the 90's never stop
Jerry christams
Heartstone starts at 2:33:30
when you started playing country roads as the tsunami destroyed newer toronto i laughed so hard i had to use my asthma inhaler
I don't have Twitch, so thanks for uploading. Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays! I hope you have a great one! ^_^ We love you! and thank you for the upload!
RT: not going to be going past 2 hours,
Me: oh RT…
You know you're where you belong when RT plays country roads XD
"I'm not going to be going past 2 hours" -RTgame
"not gonna go past 2 hours"
#4 hours#
Love your channel especially when you play this game and sims.
Lowering taxes will make them move in like crazy
Dams are the worst thing in city skylines. The water physics are pretty shit too
After the tsunamis, there were still a hundred people left
The people of new Toronto are an inspiration to all of us
No matter what life throws at them they always keep going and rebuild
Wow… A 2 hour stream that lasted for 4 hours! This is a miracle!
2:14:36 is the best part
Thank you, kind soul, for collecting and archiving RT's streams for those of us unable to catch them for whatever reason. I hope your holidays were joyful, and your new year filled with good fortune!
I am surprised more people didn't bitch about him playing Hearthstone. Then again I think he had sub mode on.
Who else really wants him to play this more often?
RT! heath doesn't matter in HSBG, why did you not take the floating watchers?!?! I won with 2 heath one time.