Savjz is Flaming His Opponents! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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31 thoughts on “Savjz is Flaming His Opponents! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. When you have post notifs on because you already watched every one of his BG vids

  2. That's probably one of the best Herald of Flame games we'll see for a while. Jeez.

  3. When he played both heralds on board I thought for sure he'd get punished. Double Herald PRETTY GOOD, even for removing divine shields at end game.

  4. At the end I was like "Clickbait title! He didn't flame anyone the whole game!"

    Oh wait…

  5. I think you should out heralds later, so by the time they attack everything will have been damaged so the chance for overkill is higher

  6. Some of Savjz's videos can be frustrating, but it's contents like these that make him awesome.

  7. I wish I could've seen Purple's stream reaction to that burn.

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