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Zoo Warlock is back on the menu! Here is my guide to piloting this popular version of the deck.
Deck code: AAECAf0GArWfA9a5Aw4wzgfCCPukA/2kA4GlA/2nA/muA7C2A7W5A7a5A8e5A8u5A96+AwA=
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This video is from the era of Year of the Phoenix Standard format and Ashes of Outland expansion.
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Play one more gl bro
OG's voice is and always will be music to my ears even when i inevitably quit HS for the 5th time i will still tune in to this wondrous man <3
14:33 Carpet>Kenrethad>Flame imp>Darkglare>Soulfire
66% dis HoG
Hey OG, thanks for the video. Would love to see a vid explaining how to set up a fireside event for opening packs early. Keep up the great work.
This deck might need that 2/2 lifesteal demon.
How does this compare to LackeyZooLock in your opinion?
Ya this video would be interesting if that decks wasnt actually fucking awful , like maybe one of the worst decks ive seen in 6 years taht people think is good , dont play this , this deck is just terrible , it loses to most control decks , all tempo decks , and most other aggro decks , just terrible , dont waste your dust or time on this shit
Need to update the scrap imp card it’s been a while since is was 2/2 buff
Hi old guardian Enjoying your videos quality as usual ! Since you lately did videos for WIld which was a big surprise i wanted to ask you again if you would consider making a ARENA video. You replied some time ago and i got the impression that you dont care much for it due too much randomness however i would really like to see your approach on this part of hearthstone. Not asking for arena video every week but at least one would be interesting and i think i dont speak just for myself there would be probably more of your viewers interested in same thing / maybe one or 2 battlegrounds too 😀 well up to you
Random comment to support the channel
Merchant pronunciation is on point now 😉 Good replacements for Kanrethad and the Dark Glares?
What a game the last one. You're a very good player!