Squeamlish Smart, Easy Dungeon Run Win! | Dalaran Heist | Hearthstone

The adventure continues with chapter 3 and the lovable Squeamlish!


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♬ Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com/
♬ Ronald Jenkees http://www.ronaldjenkees.com/


‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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32 thoughts on “Squeamlish Smart, Easy Dungeon Run Win! | Dalaran Heist | Hearthstone

  1. So you're saying that Amazing Potion Vendor is going to be the finale of the next adventure? LEEKS!!!!

  2. feels bad that they can't build on all this good content they have. Their is not too much difference between this and games like slay the spire or monster train.

  3. Squeamlish has to be my favorite of all the Hearthstone characters.
    You go out there and be the best druid you can be, Squeamlish. I believe in you.

  4. I'm in the stage of my life where Kel'thuzad doesn't even look like a real card anymore, but a weak opponent. Thanks battlegrounds!

  5. Anyone else ever think about how Elise and friends murdered Squeamlish and left her body to rot out in the Uldum desert?
    Poor girl. She just wanted to help.

  6. This specific chapter is my least favorite ever made Pve content. The board restriction is just so little fun

  7. I'm missing some of the older solo missions but I'm not going to pay 40 dollars for one that's been rotated out years ago. They should really put them down to 10 dollars for people that wanna play them but not pay far too much. Nice editing Jens adding the opponents hero power to the side.

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