Starting My Mama Bear Collection! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #savjz


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39 thoughts on “Starting My Mama Bear Collection! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. there is nothing satisfying in this video except the perfect lethal damage that killed savjz. Literally can't understand how can he make so much misplay. If this is the funny thing for stream than I kinda can't get it. Those misplay are not fun and only just being annoying for me.


    I will never watch his videos again. The titles are clickbait and the plays are horrendous.

  3. Savjz choking so hard, well, like he always does ahahah, that last play made me laugh so badly, this guy made my day.

  4. I love Savjz but holy shit does this dude have horrible decision making in bg, its almost like he cant think fast enough or something, plus his apm is so slow. Its almost hard to watch when im not high

  5. Savjz. I liked the video, but you should probably not upload videos where you throw or missplay in the game. Some people here believe they're really good at this game and therefore cant watch a streamer do any missplays, even if they themselves probably does plenty of missplays each game.

  6. Everyone complaining about savjz, while he said he didnt care and just wanted a big momma for the memes, is really yikes. That play is 100% respect for not caring about the win.

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