Strongest Low Level Runewords in Diablo II

This is one of my first ever edited video. There are some audio glitches in the beginning for some reason. I probably messed something up during the editing process, because the source files are fine.


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20 thoughts on “Strongest Low Level Runewords in Diablo II

  1. What the fuck. Seriously. This guy decided to make a list of strongest runewords and he doesn't even include Enigma. Why does everything have to be in a video format these days? Takes 4 minutes to show 10 items like that while in text format I could read through them in 4 seconds.

    0:17 10. Ancient's Pledge (shields) Ral+Ort+Tal
    0:36 9. Steel (swords, axes, or maces) Tir+El
    0:56 8. Stealth (armors) Tal+Eth
    1:16 7. Rhyme (shields) Shael+Eth
    1:35 6. Lore (helms) Ort+Sol
    1:54 5. Black (clubs, hammers, or maces) Thul+Io+Nef
    2:20 4. Leaf (staves) Tir+Ral
    2:38 3. White (wands) Dol+Io
    2:59 2. Insight [ladder only] (polearms) Ral+Tir+Tal+Sol
    3:26 1. Spirit [ladder only] (swords or shields) Tal+Thul+Ort+Amn

  2. Our absolute favorite was Spirit. In weapon and shield at the same time.
    Kani server HUNGARY

  3. did you just name the video low level guide then say the first item on the fuckin list is in act fuckin 5?

  4. I'm planning to play single, are any of these rune words ladder only? I know there's a rune word mode, but I can't find that folder for it to work.

  5. The last time I seriously played D2 was juuuuust long enough ago that forget a lot of the farming minutiae. Where would one go to grab the runes for the early rune words? NM countess?

    I play single player using PlugY for ladder runes etc.

  6. one low lvl that really helps (cuz you can give it to a rogue merc) is Edge: Tir, tal, Amn. bows (LADDER ONLY)

    Especially when you have Minions like a summon necro, or a druid. cuz then everybody gets the Thorns aura on em.

    also when doing leaf on a staff with +3 warmth and/or +3 inferno already on it wooooooooooo boy xD. plus freaking 9, in soviet Russia, witch burns you.

  7. Will I'm new player thank , guess get nothing more but Coronaslone cast that should flatten the curve.

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