Blizzard just fully revealed the next round of nerfs! There are a ton of cards getting changed, and even some Paladin and Shaman cards getting buffed! What’s the meta going to look like after these changes?
#AshesOfOutland #DemonHunter #RegisKillbin
News | Hearthstone | SURPRISE NERFS & BUFFS!?! Priestess, Rogue, Shaman, Paladin!!
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So the big question.. do you take this opportunity to upgrade Shadowjeweler to gold?
Idk what deck to craft, meta right now is not stable just like the economy
OH, they hurt galakrond secret rogue really hard, if your opponent can just play the dragon queen again it's going to be massive. Hannar can be eviscerated and vendetta is an option, theres also that 4/4 with rush.
Share some love with blizzard, they deserve it… from time to time
Blizzard just nerfed all Top Tier decks. they always nerf the shit out of the Game instead of buffing the bad classes….
To pre-nerf Blackjack Stunner, I have this to say: "Good riddance!"
Nerfing Risky Skipper or Battle Rage to any degree would completely cripple Warrior.
Good luck trying to kill Phase Stalker as a priest now at 4/5!!!
priestess of fury should be "at the beginning of your turn" and ok to be 6 / 7
I really wish they would nerf draconic lackey. Every game against galakrond rogue they generate several dragonqueens. It should discover a dragon that costs seven or less. I'm not sure about the number but I just don't want rogues to be able to generate infinite dragonqueens.
Can they just drop priest and warlock. .and add another class to go with Demon Hunter
I was thinking changing blackjack stunner to +2 mana more max of 10 so it doesn't kill the card for the game
Jeez, I'm already having decent luck with Libram Paladin. I'm not going to complain if Blizzard wants to keep buffing my deck :).
They want us to play Shaman confirmed😳
All my dust was wasted with demon hunter. Now I really give up HS. I'm done. It's enough
they're killing boarTK!
Should've left Runner unnerfed for the memes.
Can we just nerf the goddamn damage Priestess of Fury does at the end of each turn. Lowering its health isn't the damn problem lmao. It's almost an avenging wrath + a 6/5 every turn, i.e. if you're losing (and you're usually behind vs demon hunter) it's more than a pyroblast every turn.
Glad Blizzard has stopped pulling Force of Nature's
Hanar should honestly just be "add a random secret" instead of discover.
Edit: Or if it keeps the discover, change it to "after you play the first secret each turn" or something.
Were you that ranger back on the old Zek server?
Paladin is dogshit atm and all blizzard came up with is this small buff,won’t change much paladin will still be bad unfortunately for us paladin mains.
sigil runner is LITERALLY just WORSE novice engineer. AHAHAHAHAHAHA
Wouldn’t Blackjack Runner actually be an even stronger card if you removed the ”It costs(1) more.” text? Because of it you always hesitates to use it on your own minion but removing the text would give you a 1 mana Shadowstep instead.
Am I the only one thinking priest is too annoying and should be nerfed? :)) At least mass res, the minion who summons a minion that died, the one that recasts spells etc. Basically all of res priest, just get it away :))))
So DH got nerfed 48 hours after dropping then again within months, yet Blizzard once again turns a blind eye to hunters who currently enjoy 3 tier 1-3 decks, Two of those vying for top spot, and they’ve had OP top tier decks since day one did Rexxar ever get nerfed? Have huntards ever gotten crippled like every other class NO fuck you Blizzard!
Wild Libram Paladin now can draw both cost reducers on turn 1…?
i really don't undrestand why they nerfed rogue cards secret and shadow rogue are already sort of like a meme deck in wild if it was sth in standard its bad in wild already same for most rogue decks but shadow is not a meta deck at all and whats with them keep nerfing demon hunter? even in wild where there is odd demon hunter which is strong but not op. they don't wanna stop untill they nerfed the whole class's cards before next expansion. instead of keeping an eye for wild meta and nerfing mage which is the best class in meta and nothing's changed. they're basically saying screw wild players with this nerfs as if we don't bloody exist
Let’s see according to HRS replay at time of this comment — tier 1 ranked in order of best to worst of tier 1 Highlander hunter, Tempo DH, Murloc Paladin, Dragon hunter where are the hunter nerfs? Ever?
They really hate touching cards. -2 health nerf wowie. 10 steps back 2 steps forward.
People always crying about priestess Of fury, it never survives 1 turn most of the time. Nerfing it for nothing, priestess of fury will still be one of the best cards.
Also this nerf kills another possible deck architype like big demon hunter in the future. Also crimson sigil runner didn’t deserve that nerf, it’s not a garuntee card draw like novice engineer draw if it’s not on your left or right most side of the hand. And the 1 health made it easy to kill. Demon hunter mage or hunter with the 1/3 card and Druid or paladin with the 1/1
Ahhhhhh I disenchanted my golden scrap imp yesterday and now lost out on 700 dust
I don't think they did enough to push the libram. Hope that we get more libram cards cause i love the idea behind them
Blackjack Stunner text should have added … but not more than 10. That way 10 drops don't get screwed. A 1 mana single targetted Plague of Flames is too overpowered.
we need more demon hunter nerfs 😀