Frame Fatales is an all womens online speedrunning event, showcasing the women of the community, in running commentary, game development, and support roles such as art and production. The event ran from August 18th to...
Runner introduction starts at 00:06 Run starts at 01:03 Couch commentary is provided by Musical_Daredevil, Nospimi99 and Icyrayne WeGoGiant is host. This speedrun was recorded live at Summer Games Done Quick 2019, a weeklong charity...
The GDQ HOTFIX is a series on Twitch.TV spotlighting exciting speedrunning races, tournaments, events and more! This edition of the Hotfix is AGDQ 2019 Preview: Diablo II Lord of Destruction, aired on December 31st, 2018....
Runner introduction starts at 0:29. Run starts at 1:15. Cow level starts at 1:39:14. Games Done Quick Express is our new mini-event series, expanding upon GDQ’s two main events. GDQx 2018 took place at TwitchCon...
This is a speedrun of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction by MrLlamaSC from Awesome Games Done Quick 2016. The run starts at 2:55. AGDQ2016 raised over $1,200,000 for Prevent Cancer Foundation, and is just one...