TESS BREAKS THE GAME WITH MURLOCS?! - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Tess is my new favorite hero. Now if only Blizzard would actually give it to me as one of the options at the start of the game…
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44 thoughts on “TESS BREAKS THE GAME WITH MURLOCS?! — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. With the release of Tess and Murlocs still being the only viable hyper late game option I’m losing faith in their ability to balance bg

  2. I played Tess today. Had a good murloc start and three other guys played murlocs in the lobby. The problem was that i only faced the other players with pirates. EVERY SINGLE ROUND. Almost saltier than Kripp.

  3. hahaha i just cant stop laughing… poor dude on last turn hit a plant with his nadina … hahahaha 6 other targets and he hits the left most one which was a 1-1 hahahahahahahahaha

  4. played her twice so far, both times win 1st place ,used hero power only to try it out ,so yeah ,super based on skill 😀

  5. Rafaam: I’m gonna steal one of your minions. Tess: I’m gonna steal it back plus the rest of your board

  6. Murlocs are just good, Kripp won't admit it because he likes to pretend he is a BG God and can pull them off

  7. must be boring as hell still playing this game constantly. Still a great game. Any diablo 4 stuff planned?

  8. bit inconsecutive, you still got the board limit so better to stay on 2 and 4 a bit longer. best i stole was 2 lightfangs, then the third but it was too slow. the other game i stole a bunch of random 5-6 stars with good stats, was quite bad anyway. one time i won cause everybody decided to go beast. 5 people beast, one had midrange shit with cleave, other had baron cleave goldrynn, other had baron maexna, other had parrot maexna so i had all four, won with 2 parrots gold maexna and even had to refuse a goldrynn for board space, 2 more turns and would have had the best beast build, bu ended fast after that.

  9. Found great success off tess when people are ahead of you. Guy had an early tier 6, now you have a tier 6

  10. Played her yesterday… went murlocs cuz I thought everyone would do the same EVERYONE went everything except murlocs, got dead guy twice which fuked me and died 6th

  11. I played 4-5 games with tess yesterday…she does only really work with Murlocs…

  12. Kripp, could you show the satisfying hit and the damage at the end of each round. You always hide it by hoovering over the opponent.

  13. Problem with Tess is you have to pay attention to the opponents board to know whether to use heropower or not. As someone tabbing out to watch youtube videos while playing I always forget to check

  14. Tess was strong there (got the right match-ups at the exact right time, otherwise this is an 8th place run). HOWEVER, those rolls were insane. I don't know how many games murloc runs I've had were I am on taverns 5 and 6 for six+ turns and never see a bagurgle or a lookout. At all. He was so overwhelmed with bagurgles and lookouts he missed that warleader triple about 9 times lol

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