Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Don’t worry. Boomers always win out anyway.
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#HearthstoneBattlegrounds #Kripp
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You have no idea what I’m capable of!
damn he's good
Very interesting game
Thanks to you kripp I just reached 8700 MMR I couldn’t have done it without you<3
never punish
If it breathes it can murloc… or as tidehunter would say "Mglrmglmglmgl Mrgle N Mrgllll glrrm gl!"
Got my first perfect no lose game at 5.6k mmr using Flurgl last night. I could not stop laughing at the absurdity of it.
Thanks Krip, these videos have been a great insight into BG's.
I like that kripp skips the bagurgle but buys the primalfin. It could be anything! Even a bagurgle!
So Tess is like those people in highschool that copy off of your work and always get a better grade than you.
In 11:13 the cannon shows the animation three times, but shoots twice
This was ALMOST a non-murloc build, sigh
kripp does not go afk in this video
Considering Kripp plays and posts videos of murlocs 95% of the time, you'd think he'd make faster decisions (and no not everything is his bum elbow or slow animations), other players/streamers like Dog deal with them just fine.
Krip what will you name your first born
K: megasaur
After being stolen from Maiev twice, and given an early divine shield with poisonous, Kripp and my ol’ pal Brann allowed me to carry us to first place, baby!
rip turn 6 lol
Tess be like "hippity hoppity, your build is now my property"
Just watched a 5 minute ad for you kripp.
No, really, I'm starting to want murlocs nerfed just so I could get slightly varied Kripp content at this point. Maybe once the expansion drops we'll at least get a few standard videos…
That feel when kripp missed his chance to hero power into triple mal'ganis
I’m sure Kripp will acknowledge the round when he tied with only 7%…oh wait. Never mind. However if he lost with a 70% chance to win we’ll hear about it the rest of the game
7:25 Kripp picks Megasaur
"That's a secret tool that will help us later!"
Its actually Kripp APM thats bad not the hero. 🙁
That is what I mean when I say kripp is not the best at murlocs. His knowledge is good, but dog or bebe for example would outplay him every time.
Yo uhhhh wtf
Kripp's APM is way too low 😅 He spends more time thinking than doing
Who reading comments pretending its chat
We knew before you even started streaming you were going to play murlocs 🙁
Preparian here
Find someone who loves you like Kripp loves murlocs
Didnt buy the bran on the first steal OOF
I must have a lot to learn because 9 gold turn and 3 the beasts pop up, I’m taking it.