Thank You SMOLL Indie Company, Very Cool! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1566
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ES_Keeping You Close — Easy Wheelers
ES_Our Own Rhythm — River Run Dry
ES_Swing With Mr Z — Grip City Cronies
ES_Rolling in the Hay — Benjamin Carey
ES_In a Jiffy — Moins Le Quartet
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)
00:00 — Intro
00:29 — Moments
10:32 — Outro
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◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:
◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
I'm so pumped for this expansion! Kel'Thuzad will be fun as always, and the Dual Class cards will be exciting to have. Bringing card mechanics to other classes, like combo to mage and overload to druid is such a neat idea! Plus there is going to be a new game mode! Can't wait!
im excited to see the ledgendaries and how broken some might be
Comment Question: if you could move one battlegrounds exclusive minion to constructed play what would it be?
I'm very excited for it. Kel'Thuzad coming back it's just too wonderful and i'm also glad they brought back the multi-class card mechanic.
1:23 Wait a second, was Thijs practicing his drum beatbox?
Comment question of the day :
Have you ever had a moment when you conceded out of pure respect for your opponent? Describe it.
I can see my conspiracy theory was recognized…
4:52 Honest question: Does anyone know if this guy has something? Why is he so sad most of the time?
Im excited for the New Expansion Turn 3! 2x Lightning Bloom + Ka'elthas + Eye of the Storm!
4:52 Oh dude, this dude is so cringe, i really dislike to watch his clips
I cannot wait for Dual-Class cards because then I do not have to craft as many cards in an expansion as a F2P.
4:39 Editor u might want to save this for future Yogg RNG bs reference
I’m excited because I can witness a moment where someone will play KT and KT as KT. Oh against KT as well
The theme of this expansion is almost identical to the theme of the Karazhan adventure: Younger version of a known character, past version of a known location, thriving and energetic.
Mia Khalifa plays hearthstone???
Cards like Transfer Student make me think that this expansion is going to be more on the meme side thus I am more excited about this expansion. I am signing up to take Professor Reggie's classes on preparing my body for this event.
I am expecting veryyy much the Kel Thuzad cat, it will be wonderfull like s legendary
old clips have become my favorite part tbh
Me: Makes valid argument
Mother: Is that disrespect?
Me: 1:22
I’m so hecking excited for it. So many people are loving the theme. It looks like Hearthstone is making a return
I love the fact that they are diving into dual class cards. I can't wait to see what other dual class cards they come up with
I think I will only become excited for the next expansion they finally actually nerf quest mage for wild and promise to release good and viable paladin cards.
Программа для пропуска битвы в БГ и не только, обзор здесь:
What does it meam
Left one triggers first
You can't just say left
Proceeds to enchant right one.
Can I leave this planet pretty please
I'm the type of player that mainly plays the Solo Modes of Hearthstone and play Standard/Wild just to get gold to unlock said Solo Modes. So I am always excited for a new Solo Adventure/Dungeon Run.
Chat: left one triggers first, buff that one
Streamer: yOu CaN't JuSt SaY tHe LeFt OnE buffs right one
Intellect of the average roper in a nutshell
at 8:24 isnt that a cheating program to see the enemy hand?
"misdirection saved the day" 6:58 wow as if he didnt already have lethal in hand and draw even mOre damage immediately