That Play Was Simply GENIUS! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1503

That Play Was Simply GENIUS! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1503

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ES_Afternoon Fireworks — Duke Herrington
ES_She’s Got Moves — Rockin’ For Decades
ES_The Best You Ever Had (Instrumental Version) — Lionel Quick
ES_Me and My Triple Espresso — The New Fools
ES_Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin

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37 thoughts on “That Play Was Simply GENIUS! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1503

  1. Dumbest way to win a game? Enemy had 6 hp left, i played zephyr, he surrendered. The thing is zephyr did not procced cause i have killed his albatross in the same round

  2. As a rogue, I was completely losing the game, I played a faceless lackey, it gave me an expired merchant (discard the highest card in your hand, get two copies when it dies), I stepped the merchant, played it again to discard edwin, backstabbed it and it gave me 2 edwins, played a lot of cards and I played the two edwins 16/16 and 18/18.

  3. I had the 5/5 that destroys armor and my opponent played brightwing that gave them the 3/4 that converts the hp in armor 🤔

  4. Dumbest lethal. I think it was during Kobolds & Catacombs

    Opponent has 4 hp. He has wide board, I have nothing & he will win next turn. Im playing Priest, he's a Paladin.
    He plays Gravelsnout Knight, giving me Voodoo Doctor.
    Pass turn to me. Draw Young Brewmaster. Play Young Brewmaster to return it to my hand. Play Auchenai Soulpriest & hero power & Voodoo Doctor for lethal.

  5. The dumbest way ive won was when my opponent evolved a minion into a doomsayer and that minion which has dr deal 5 dmg to your hero

  6. My oppenet was on 6 health and i had explosive ruins and a spell damage minon, then he played a 1 health minon…

  7. Brann + Yogg for 60 spells;
    Yogg casts Treachery on himself, clears the board twice, casts two Feast of Souls, fatigues the opponent for 200 damage.
    Easy win

  8. Had the craziest game ever, my opponent and i were constantly dropping yogg boxes since and we kept getting tree of life and clearing the other's board and making a new board and eventually i won due to fatigue… in a sense, the game was based on who had more yogg boxes

    Another story was when i lost because scroll of wonders used vanish on a squashling for my opponent and since he was low, he filled his board and then i got another vanish from scroll of wonders, so he basically got to full from 8 health and i died of fatigue

  9. The best way I have ever won in Heartstone. I played vs control warior with my albatross priest. My deck were empty, but somehow with my galakrond ability I get madam lazul and stole arhivarius Eliziana from opponent hand and then do the same thing again, after the 2nd Eliziana opponent just press the button concede XD

  10. Watching a warrior brawl and see 2 jade swarmer and aya die and soyna shadow dancer give me 1/1 copies . even though he had a weapon

  11. Dear Daily Hearthstone Funny Moments

    Is it possible to upload videos in 1080p60fps? It will look much better.

    Love your channel ❤

  12. I had an opponent who whooped me the whole game and they got me to 1 health and then quit and said well played

  13. I was playing all random mage in wild, and the opponent just conceded when he saw jaina
    Prob believed I was secret mage

  14. Lucentbark into Faceless into Sathrovarr and drawing 2 Lucentbark immediately after. Props to the DH who still tried to fight against 5 Lucentbarks lmao

  15. I play highlander Rogue with the win condition of Kronx OTK, I accidentally used kronx early to clear board with convincing inflitrator (killed kronx) So instead of shuffling 20 kronx into my deck, i shuffled 20 Waxadread, won with 3 health left against a priest who then tried to friend me and was mad i won because i kept summoning waxadreads and he couldnt deal with them since he already used his aoe and plague of deaths

  16. plays uno reverse card on comment question What's the funniest way you've lost a game?

  17. My dumbest win was a double Shadowform lethal created by Lyra the Sunshard when i was playing OTK Mind Blast Priest against a warrior. An exactly 10 damage lethal thanks to Prophet Velen and Lyra.

  18. Counterspell rage quits on major cards using my casino spell only mage
    Demon Hunter: Skull of Guldan
    Priest: Mass Resurrection or Plague of Death
    Mage: Power of Creation
    Rogue: Any card from Togwaggle
    Warlock: Plot Twist
    Paladin: Libram of Hope
    Hunter: Late game secrets or beast buff cards

  19. dumbest way i won a match: this weeks tavern brawl, where you choose 4 cards, your opponent bans one. i went with mage invocation, fireball, AI, and the one that reduces spellcosts by 1 in your deck. opponent conceded after i played that card.

  20. Opponent had 6 health. Had full board. I topdecked Akama Prime. They had no taunts and were two damage short of lethal so I won

  21. Playing Gala Priest against Tempo DH. My opponent plays his Priestess of Fury on turn 7, as expected. I counter with Mindflayer Kaahrj, followed by Shadowy Figure, followed by Shadow Word: Death. Instant concede. The best part was that none of those cards had started in my deck.

  22. this was some years ago :lightwell (only minion on board and dmaged) healed me for 6 turns in a row while opponent tried to shred me Down with 3 minions, until I drew ragnaros and won a 1 in 4(biggest question is why not remove the lightwell when u had the dmg to do so?) idk if I was Lucky or the opponent was just in another Dimension shrug

  23. I played the beast from hunter that summons secrets whenever you use your hero power. He insta conceded

  24. True Story: played golden monkey against Paladin, (Remember random legendaries in hand and deck) (obtained from toki) then thought damn i have no way to win this then said yolo and played chameleon from my hand (forgot which card it was draw a card deal dmg equal to cost) then aimed at his face… bam to surprise shirvalla XD game over… TLDR…. won unexwith opponents own strategy XD

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