THE ANTI-ANTI-META DECK - Boomsday / Constructed / Hearthstone

Boomsday / Hearthstone — Anti-combo meta got you down? Try anti-anti-combo Warlock!
Kripp’s Hearthstone Stream ⭐
Rania’s Variety Stream ⭐

Decklist ⭐ AAECAf0GCMwIoM4Cl9MCneIC2OcC2+kCp/cCnPgCC/IF2wa2B+fLAq7NAvfNAvLQAojSAujnAsXzAoCKAwA=

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49 thoughts on “THE ANTI-ANTI-META DECK — Boomsday / Constructed / Hearthstone

  1. This work against meta decks, but gets completly destroyed by any other decks. There is not enough tempo. I usually lose on turn 6-7 because my opponent deal me too much damage.

  2. Its so hard to get priest or warrior golden.. got 50 to go with priest and 150 left with warrior

  3. Why does the heropower of even decks cost 1 and in uneven decks 2? This bothers me more than it should.

  4. So pretty much the anti-anti-meta deck is just the same Witchwood control Warlock with Biology project?

  5. What is Taldarim for? Wouldn't Stonehill Defenders make it more likely to find Rin sooner?

  6. I hate Warlock, always will…the only class that is strong in every expansion. Best board clears, best synergies, best hero power, best minions, best spells….

  7. We are living in an era when we have a control meta…that has the goal of fucking over a control meta. What a time to be alive.

  8. Aside from the new cards this was the deck I used before the expension to go from ran 19 to rank 7 last season XD glad it is still viable if not more so

  9. Plain boring control lock with one anti mechathun card and you took that long to try and talk this shit up………..

  10. Why
    I just get demon projected by guldan
    Now my mecha-thun is a 3 mana 3/5 lose a mana crystal with taunt
    Thank you

  11. i always find akward to put Rin and the weapon in my deck, cause Azari is a freaking demon xd, so gg battlecry

  12. would running Arcane Dynamo be worth it ? instead of Siphon Soul?

  13. God I wish I could play a deck like this… I added up all the dust I would need to complete it which came out as 12000… yeeaaah I ain't got that :/

  14. I haven’t watched kripp in like 6 months. He talks like 2.5 times faster. Not sure what he’s on but what I want some!

  15. No offense man, we all know your face is superbig in comparisson to your body, but seriously man… Why you be leaving that beardgrowth wild and crazy, and why you be leaving your skin in that condition?

  16. You call the Warlock anti-combo deck 'No Fun' Kripp, but is seems more fun than letting one class dominate the meta because it can do everything.

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