The CHO MASTER Is Back At It Again! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1501

The CHO MASTER Is Back At It Again! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1501

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ES_A Little Bit of Faith (Instrumental Version) — Malena Stark
ES_Gunfight — Henrik Andersson
ES_Minced Beat — Mike Franklyn
ES_Headline (Instrumental Version) — Wildflowers
ES_Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin

(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email —
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:

◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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20 thoughts on “The CHO MASTER Is Back At It Again! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1501

  1. Few days ago some galakrond Rouge friend me after loosing to my budget pally murloc deck to insult me by calling me a kid several times just nothing else but "kid" "kid" kid, " i just responded with "XD" and he vanished.

  2. I always look this over Mobile Phone. this time i look this vid over Pc, 9 (NINE) Commercials??? This is going crazy -.-

  3. Long ago I was playing Cthun warrior vs pirate warrior, he almost had me dead until I drew into ancient shieldbearer and played it alongside brann, giving me 20 more armor. he conceded and friended me asking me to hang myself hahaha.

  4. Someone added me after an arena game and called me a dogshit lucky player because i had "better cards" and better "rng" 😀

  5. I wonder if someday I'll see how box killing its owner, and then healing with tree of life or something

  6. So I beat this highlander hunter with secret rogue and they added me and saying that I don't know how the game works and challenged me to a ft5 they spent like 15 minutes trying to say that I suck and they were better and when it was finally time to start the ft5,they deleted me 🤣

  7. I got friended immediately after a match and the guy was so toxic, he called me a pussy, little bitch, etc. And wanted a rematch with a different deck and I still clapped him

  8. I was playing a Murloc Paladin deck I made with the cards I had against a common Pirate Warrior. I won somehow.
    He added me to tell me to fornicate myself, because I was a net decking prick and removed me.
    He was playing pirate warrior.
    I played Grimscale Oracle because I didn't have all the good murlocs.

  9. Beat someone with a Whizbang mech warrior deck who friended me after the game. Wrote to me in Spanish that I was scummy for using the deck and when I told him it was Whizbang he told me to eff myself and that it didn't matter

  10. I won a fight where the RNG was INCREDIBLY, DESPICABLY my way for once. The other guy had an asian name with asian characters.

    He sent me a friend request. After accepting, he wrote something out in Mandarin and immediately defriended me.

    I bet he was saying how awesome my deck was and how fair our match up turned out to be. 😛

  11. A guy added me to tell me I was a cheater and that he will report me, and continued crying for several minutes.

    I played "heropower-pyroblast mage", that one old deck that relied on Coldarra drake and Maiden of the Lake, and luckily pulled Razza from Kabal Courier, proceeding to ping his face 30 times.

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