Dragons are big but Jungle Giants are bigger
Deck Code:
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hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter
#WildHearthstone #Hearthstone #Solem
0:26 Skipperino Solemerino
For some reason back in the day I thought this quest was OP. Don't ask me why.
At least Barnasomething have a pretty intro
Coincidentally I faced one today
Here's a thought: get rid of the quest, and every other odd card.. make an even embiggen dragon druid…Boom
Like 32 comment 5 😭😭
It has big ol whelp in it, so it's a s tier deck
The pocket galaxy before the pocket galaxy…
Quest druid and after this people say that Germans haven't sense of humor
Im here again for the Chonkers!
Hey solem! Great deck but it seems to be missing important cards. I recommend adding Boulderfist Ogre, it has good stats for cost. Also it seems you forgot to put Gruul in this deck
ARCANA FORCE god dammit its not arcane its arcanA like the tarot cards
What rank do ihave to Be in to Be able to play wild?
flik has to become a once per match effect
In ygo gamble effect has to be Good or downside has to be non existent to be played competitively. Like "dice hunter" or "Gatling dragon", "Barrel dragon" or cards like "Number 7: Lucky Straight","Number 85: Crazy Box", and Spell/Trap like Dark santuary and Photon Blast. . Arcana Force cards had horrible downsides to them even with their own archetypal support.
Big priest but druid, interesting
subscribed for youtube algorithm
Hi Solem
I play it on a daily basis :0
Solem can you talk about MTG Arena
0:00 —> https://youtu.be/O_easOFGduw
16:46 Solemn: How does a penguin build a house?
Draconic Lackey: ON WINGS OF EVIL!!!
18:18 I can't hit the like button hard enough
Actually not whole arcana force was bad fool was one of the most sturdy monsters if you won the %50 and even if you did it was an unkillable by battle,the world had an otk that at some point which was pretty strong and lastly light ruler was one of the strongest monsters from the gx era especially when it got the tails effect which made it immune to 4 target effects but it was losing atk at a cost.It was not a good archetype but these cards saw some competitive play which is more than most archetypes ever get.Also i want to point out that even before arcana force there was random effects such as jar monster effects which did random things via shuffle and there was magic hats and stuff like that.
I think most of your jokes are funny 😁