The DOUBLE CHAD Start Always Wins ft. Purple | Firebat Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Perfection, it always wins.
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis


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25 thoughts on “The DOUBLE CHAD Start Always Wins ft. Purple | Firebat Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. I'm really glad I didn't notice how long the video was before clicking, while also avoiding to see it after as to not get spoiled. I was expecting the title to be sarcastic, but this was a pretty nice surprise.

  2. Purple in firebats stream: funny and happy, has self irony
    Purple in his own stream: the most angry and salty streamer that exists. Argues with chat and bans anyone over the smallest jokes. Try hard for 10 hours and gets tilted if he doesn't climb

  3. Swiss Chalet is extremely mediocre food, but they give you a bunch for a cheap price.

    You don't drive for it, there's no quality. You do get it when you're a broke student and need a decent meal for multiple days for $15

  4. Was anyone else hoping Firebat would start listing chicken joints like Bubba lists shrimp recipes in Forrest Gump?

  5. nice video, love the duo and the gameplay is refreshingly different from kripp (even tho i love him)

  6. I currently live in France and was just eating KFC with a French friend last night explaining how KFC isn't bad, but there are so many better alternatives.

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