The EASIEST Flurgl Game of My Life! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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26 thoughts on “The EASIEST Flurgl Game of My Life! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. I vashj rerolled then evolved she might be ok. Right now her hero power basically just gives you a free reroll only on tavern up. That's just god awful.

  2. Lost a Toxfin that was created by the hero power at 12:58 because he didn’t refreeze the tavern after selling the murloc. That’s a stupid bug/coding.

  3. Dude, how can he be so slow? Like seriously… Every game is like torture to watch him spend 90% of the round moving cards around to just make the worst decision in the last 10 seconds

  4. Honestly if you're going to just put your leg in front of the cam just turn it off, you might be homosexual but not everyone else is.

  5. What program are you using to get a win/lose percentage on each round?

  6. 16:38 even tho that was an insane missplay it didn’t matter cuz of how strong he was…
    It was so early in the game actually but he still managed to pull of 50+ hp on the murlocs

  7. No room for Mackarel? Just sell the Brann, poison Mackarel with full divine shield board is better than a brann and some more buffs at this point, not that it mattered in the end.

  8. 11m in, OH MY GOD.

    You don't need to sell anything. Freeze, then next round buy both murlocks and roll for a triple. If you hit the triple, BOOM, you have space on board to play both and cycle 4 murlocks. If you don't hit the triple, then you sell one weaker minion and then play the two you bought to get multiple free rolls for triples.

    By worrying about freezing and "wasting" one gold you throw away your chances of rolling for 3 triples next turn.

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