A Frazzled Freshman meets several magical and mysterious characters on their first day at Scholomance Academy. After a quick jaunt around campus, our freshman is thrust into a friendly duel in front of the entire school!
Video created by @Amazing LP神奇的老皮
Scholomance Academy launches worldwide August 6!
• Pre-purchase Scholomance Academy: https://blizz.ly/2CAng4N
• Learn more about Scholomance Academy: https://playhearthstone.com/news/23453343
• Read the 17.6 Patch Notes: https://playhearthstone.com/news/23469099
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wow this quality is so bad for Blizzard.. obvious this is targeted to Chinese audience..
RIP Blizzard quality
How is this, expensive and cheap at the same time? O.o
This is beyond cringe
at least you did it right this time
i have a feeling blizzard didnt make this video. im thinking it was tencent with the cheap animation of it all look back at the intro to hs and its better hands down TENCENT IS THE PROBLEM
It's so cheesy and happy, I love it
So does this mean Baine Bloodhoof is the next HoTS hero because thats all i got from this 6:39 second video. #NewHoTSHero
I just love these
5:26 WTF lol
I like that you're just cutting out the middle person and letting Amazing LP do these videos for you now. That's the right choice. No one does it better.
wtf this weird korean harry potter?
3:27 — thank me later
God, they just keep getting better.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Weeabo
Everybody gangsta till voldemort arrives
This looks like an art student's rushed project
Imagine this school being real
Blizzard did u remember, how scholomance looks like?? And billioner company doing garbage video like this….Bravo
Emma transported to hearthstone hogwarts
All of this was just, terrible
Did frazzled freshman send his cute twin to school, while being the ugly brother on the photo?
I actually thought that this was going to be a full animated series
I dont remember any asians in Scholomance FeelsWeirdMan
better than hogwarts, lol
I want to be a hearth-simp too for newcommer girls of the Scholomance Academy.