The GREAT Azamakrakaraararma | Firebat Hearthstone Battlegrounds

My favorite unranked hero BY FAR.
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis


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45 thoughts on “The GREAT Azamakrakaraararma | Firebat Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. I’ve been a bit on a battleground’s kick lately and find this more entertaining than constructed, although I still watch your constructed stuff too! But listening to your approach when it comes to battleground’s is nice cause it has helped me get ever so slightly better!

  2. Akazamzarak really isn't hard to say. All the vowels are 'a'—everyone gets this right—so you just need to remember the consonants. He's a magician with "kazam" in his name, that's easy. Stick a spare 'a' in front and you're nearly there. You only really need to remember "zarak."

  3. You don't even want to transition into murlocs against mechs tho. Mechs is one of the comps that can beat divine/poison murlocs unless the murlocs got big stats. Even if you hit the poison/divine shield you always lose against his comp. Not tripling the cobalt and looking for more attack buffs+ dragon triple was the play imo.

  4. Holy shit custom anything in hearthsone…only 7 years too late. TIL splitting image refreshes cobalt.

  5. The Great Azamakrakaraararmaarararrararrararaaaaaaaaaaraarraarmkaqararkramarararrararararrkramarararraaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrmrrrrmaaraaarkamakraraararkaaamakrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaarrkrmarrarraarrarararrkramararkarararararakarmarmararmarkramarrmarmaramrkarmkramakrmrkamkrmrkamrkamrkmarkmarkmarammarkarmakarmararkmrakmarkmarkmrrarrraamrkmkarmraarkmrakarmkmraarmkarmkramkarmk

  6. Can Firebat's stream please let him know that Captain Eudora is a Vulpera which means she's basically a fox and not a kitty cat like he keeps saying. 😛

  7. That was a pretty frustrating watch. He kept buying minions and couldn't settle on a comp to go for. And ended up trying to hell marry

  8. I know the chess tournament is over, but i usually find myself saying "A knight on the rim, is grim" whenever I'm forced to move a knight to the board edges.

  9. man, I love Azakamarazakamarazakamazrazakamazrakazramazkarakuszmakuzkazkazkazoomakazakazamzaramamamzarak

  10. Seeing as the Secrets aren't calculated in, this just goes to show how much of a difference those Secrets made.

  11. Actually the correct way to play Akazamrakamazarak is to try to build a decent board, once you get to 7 minions pretty much, then you try to get ice block right way, so it never appears again when using the hero power, then you try to abuse your hero power, always go for splitting, and go down a minion, stay with 6, this if you roll splitting, if you don't get splitting redemption is the second best and then you go up to 7 again…

  12. We can tell Firebat didn't even acknowledge World of Warcraft Legion. If he did he would know how to pronounce his name lol

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