The new Hearthstone expansion Scholomance Academy is upon us! The goal of this Hearthstone Handlock Warlock OTK combo deck is to use Wisp combined with Mo’arg Artificer and Soulbound Ashtongue! We do this by playing double Mo’arg Artificer, Prince Taldaram, Ectomancy, Soulbound Ashtongue, Treachery, Wisp, Shadowflame for the 64 damage OTK! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
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#Hearthstone #OTK #ScholomanceAcademy
A shame Archimonde isn’t a playable hero character. That would make this combo extra delightful.
Oh hi mark
This gave Archimonde PTSD
Great intro haha
Alright deck intro time
Wow, actually win vs a normal opponent
Im convinced Mark can win with any deck no matter how absurd it is
I wonder how many games he has to play to pull of the combo for youtube, because there are times when i'm dead on board on turn 4 if i dare to play a slower control deck let alone his slow ass wanky combo deck
Very cool combo did not place wisp in the middle 3 stars
Anyone noticed that the rogue drawed 4 of 0 cost mana cards? Is something I'm missing?
Back in Warcraft 3, Wisps were supposed to blow up and deal lots of damage. Look at how Malfurion laid a trap for Archimonde to blow him up with thousands of wisps.
Yesterday someone hacked me all I could do was hero power it p*ssed me off so much
How do we donate 1080p to this man?
Idk why but that bothers me… the enemy was at 30… then he dealt 64,and after the game he had a quest to deal 65 to enemy heroes and it only ticked upto 27.wth…
This combo would be so much easier with magma rager. smh.
Confused as to why the rogue in Wild played a deck that hasn't even rotated out of standard.
I'm Sending love for Wisp OTK!
You are the real trooper!
mark, just to let you know, i'm subscribed, but your new videos are not popping on my recomended for like a week now 🙁
If not murloc, maybe snowflipper pinguin instead?
Yeah, I have no heart. 😈
This dude is my favorite hs youtuber, he have new OTK every day.
Do a wrong mech cthun OTK where you make it dormant and buff it and give it charge for an otk
Wisp > Archimonde.
Every warlock otk Mark: Am I gonna die? Am I dead here? plays Bloodreaver Guldan Puhlease don’t concede 🙏🏻
why didn't it full complete the quest ?
Why are you already using the Scholomance Splashart for the outro? We are still playing on the Outland expansion.
Its like decoration your house with Christmas decoration in October.
Love how the quest showed up at the end.
Damage done to enemy heroes 27
Your opponent was just wisped away because he didn't stand a ghost of a chance!
This is really funny, I did not think about this! Good job! 🙂
I actually did get banned from blizzard for thinking that tinyfin would be better 🙁
When you need your opponent to not give up…
Always pushing the limits of what can be done in Hearthstone. Thanks for another great upload, Mark.
Ok, but what if I want to use snowflipper penguin?
Stop hitting yourself, rogue.
Ik it wasn't useless, that's why i didn't disenchanted her
Best otk yet 🙂
Not sure if I’m more excited for playing the new expansion or more excited to see the combos mark makes with it.
The best hearthstone player ever
I guess you can say that the opponent was…*puts on shades* WISPED…away!!! ^_^
wow is Beautiful
Playing plague when your opponent has 1 more minion than you is basically a brawl that your opponent always wins. So, in other words, it's a brawl.
What a shame that 65 damage to heroes quest doesn't include overkill.
Next video — Tinyfin OTK
Use the penguin instead
You could put power overwhelm for 320 dmg if I counted correctly?
2020 720p. What a time to be alive.
Can you bulid cheep otk next video haha
Mark, play a game with Odd Demon Hunter, with 2x warglaives in it?