Today we take a look at the worst card in every expansion and adventure. Some picks might be straight forward and obvious, others might surprise you. Sounds like the introduction on a Buzzfeed article LUL
I also copy pasted this description from yesterdays video :p
Some tags, pls ignore 🙂
hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter
#WildHearthstone #Hearthstone #Solem
The dh 0 mana spell doesn't prevent freeze effects I'm guessing
I play anomalus sometimes in Reno mage and he is not disappointing, very underrated card. Slow yes, but it's very disruptive when it's on the board, and can heal to full life with frostlich Jaina. Cards like this get better over time. Think about bolster. Probably the worst card ever created when it came out, but slowly became relevant over time with more synergy and more taunts with relevant effects (stonehill, zilliax etc), to the point where it's a legit strong card now.
Also if I remember well summoning stone was played a little bit in a couple of metagames.
2:17 Blizzard: Yo dawg we heard you liked bad cards so we put two conditions on a legendary
Summoning Stone definitely isn't the worst card in LoE IMO. Sure, it's a meme, but Cursed Blade is just so much worse, both as a card and as a meme. Especially back in the day when Fiery War Axe was only 2 mana, Cursed Blade was really bad. Now Fiery War Axe costs 3, and Cursed Blade is still really bad. Win rates with Cursed Blade are literally you win when you do not play Cursed Blade. Worst card.
That thing who gives enemy minions reborn
Moreos played in some Good Decks soo it's not that bad
Isn't glitter moth worse than gloomstag?
controversial opinion but Gurubashi Offering can actually be really good. if you play it on turn 1 and you’re going first, it’s a free 8 armor, which is really good for classes like Warrior who excel with armor gain
You know they might be able to make Hemet and EMP better by making them say "Silence then destroy a <Tribe>." At least then they'd be Tech.
I mean, Chromatic Egg is way too slow for an egg deck, but you just said it was bad because it was an egg. But eggs are good, because they’re eggs. The problem with it is that it’s five mana, not that it’s an egg, imo. Also, Desert Obelisk over Mummy.
The noggenfogger combo is a big that they will never fix. Noggenfogger isn’t supposed to allow targets that aren’t legal. So if you have a spell that says friendly minion and only have one you can test and it won’t target enemies. The weapon effectively says it heroes aren’t valid targets but the coding is done without him in mind.
Immune isn’t immune as you can still get destroyed by uther or mechathun so no they’re both just damage.
What abou Hi Reek? (I don't know if I spelled right) Is just a bad legendary no matter what xD
I think call pet is actually worse than Hemet, specifically because it's poorly designed. For you too get full benefit of it you need to play two of them and beasts, but that doesn't work obviously, and not only that, sometimes you just draw the other call pet, thus negating it's perceived benefit. I'd literally rather have a Hemet
The text "immune" is the same as "can't take damage", but because it is a "basic" card for demon hunter then it should be easy for a newcomer to understand it.
Yeesss i did notiiiceeeeeeeee
New players will not understand what Immune is, and since Blur is a basic card, it would be more fitting to use “can’t take damage” instead of Immune in order to make new players understand the card.
Wow that Journal 3.
All reality tho for gadgetzan, Tanaris Hogchopper. 4/4 charge if your opponent's hand is empty for 4. Pretty much a 4 Mana 4/4 and cry because no one top decks if they can help it
The reason why Blur doesn't use Immune is because Blizzard didn't want to use the keyword as it might confuse new players. I'm not making this up.
"You know who else never got a single date? Erhk, look at him!"
I am trying to but I don't see any male Etherals named Erhk here, there is the Grand Lackey Erhk though, and I am certain SHE is getting all sorta of action though :V
ChumpHS did use Blubber Baron at one point
Isn't Erkh a girl???
Wait Erkh is a guy?
The one that gives a random lifesteal minion in your hand +2/+2… Deathaxe Punisher in KotFT. And it's an epic. I've never even seen a meme deck play it.
Do a 'Cards that were destroyed by nerfs or changes'
Actually you can play Bladed Gauntlet with Wrathguard (and give it your opponent)
They said in an interview they worded Blur that way because of flavor. Demon hunters are not tanky or absorb everything like "immune" would imply, but they are rather mobile and dodge or evade attacks.
Starving buzzard was nerfed I'm pretty sure, used to be decent.
Blackhand was released in a meta with taurissan, ragnaros and dr boom in every deck, so he was pretty good um dragon decks
I think changing the battlecry of E.M.P Operative to "Silence and Destroy a Mech" makes more sense, since some Mech that summon those little bots are magnetized in the illustration, and ain't EMP stands for ElectroMagnetic Pulse?
Is this buff makes any sense?
What about the Recycle spell? 😀
"You know what people say: a stone in the pocket is better than two in the moon" is gonna be my discord status for months.
Moroes was good back when The Caverns Below was unnerfed
Hey! How dare you put summoning stone in here. I love that little stone :'(
Dinomancy is and continues to be one of my favorite cards. I loved making some janky deck around it. This was so broken with cave hydra
Worst pack fillers video when?
Where is my boi Moroes?
E. M. P. Operative would had been helpful if it can destroy Dr. Boom instantly during the time of its reign in standard.
Immune cannot be targeted, but blur you can still target your hero with things like earthen farseer
you forgot Plague of Madness lol
Blackhand was in mostly each control deck back in Blackrock time.
The fact that current cards are much stronger than it, doen't mean the card sucks — it meats, that current card are overpowered, compared to old HS times.
2:10 I crafted a golden Bolf Ramshield too. Was totally worth disenchanting 8 legendaries.
Blubberbaron with shudderwok might be cool.
I played Blubber Baron and Anomalus a lot when I started out. I wish I didn't need to disenchant them for better cards. But as a free to play player that wants to get to legend someday, I have to disenchant a good bit of my incomplete collection to get good epics and legendaries.
Some of these are pretty good arena cards though!
The poisoned Blade doesn't have poison because in that time them didn't not have added poison yet for the game.