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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #savjz
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Bruhfallo wasn't in that game there no way
Beasts got the Savjzy treatment <3
Scammed by BOAT
Betrayal by B O A T
Nice scam on first place match xd
that enemy taunt spawning was actually toxic
The last turn!!
14:05 he says the title during the combat
no chance to loose there_
That feel when you watch Savjz before going to sleep and somehow catch all the games that go to YouTube.
Pauvre Oliech qui perd sur un 80%…
There is no way he is stronger
I comment to help statistics
Nerfs don't exist in battlegrounds… its just buffing the minion to deal more damage.
Cagado assim até eu
Why is his pc lagging so much fps drops? 🤔
0:59 I love that you sell the Alley Cat and keep the cuter Tabby like I always do! 😀
Hey guys just take a look on this battlegrounds video
I was genuinely confused when he said he sold his cat before I realized he meant in the game…
EZ Win!
This isn’t a secret…. the bird triggers a deathrattle, it’s kinda common sense
Good to see you playing khael that's NOT messing up order
Am. I the only one or why does he make a chess hs correlation? Xd
you SOLD one cat? What do u mean????. The were kittens or what
So lucky streamer peppocleave
Savjz loves his selling cat joke lol
witch goldrinn buff? klichbait? nooo
Do not mess with Mama.
16:35 — great Donald Trump impression man 😂
U know what was screaming ur last enemy in this bg? ;D
Misleading click bait title