Incredible. Nothing like this has even been seen.
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis
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1 minute YESSS
Earliest I've ever been
The firebat, the firebat, can no longer fly, because his missing, because he needs it, brontrausaur to win Hurra
I just had the worst experience ever playing battlegrounds and Im not sure Im ever going to play it again. Had a gold brann for a turn and then I found a khadgar so I was gonna go off with tokens to get megasaurs and win the game right? Well out of 8 triples I only found 2 megasaurs off the 7th and 8th discovers. And then out of the 6 adapt options it gave me I didnt find a single poison. I then when on to get 3rd because I had no poison and couldnt compete with the other murlocs and the big pirates. I tried calculating the odds of all of this happening to me on my own and it came out to something like 0.0007% or about 1 in 129000. Fuck this stupid ass game.
you play really well, would appreciate feedback on my video
Of course coiler is better than boat, coiler has boat in it
cut out the point gain at the end feelsbad
Nooooo you cant Go murlocks
Haha murlocks Go murclolokmd
How does one get a triple brann and two megaladons and never get a megasaur
Cool, another murlock gane
5:38 I think you mean "Darrrrrn"
The twice kept coiler hurt to watch
Kripp would be hella salty for not getting divine shield. Firebat is just chillin' and vibing
But how much MMR did he get??
This was really great
Everyone going murlocs: we need Divine Shield or we gonna lose
Firebat: taunts everything
I comment to help statistics
What is this page, where he's looking for "tips"?
Just realised goldrinn is a 6 star minion now, don't know how I feel about that
Quality streams 2020: Murlocs after Murlocs
Tou cam have the boat but the coiler could have anything in it even a boat
Does having 6 costs on board actually increase the odds of hitting different ones with a discovery?