THIS 3 CARD BUILD CAN’T LOSE?! - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Three cards make one of the best builds in all of Hearthstone!
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36 thoughts on “THIS 3 CARD BUILD CAN’T LOSE?! — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. Zapp hype in the title: Zapp does nothing.
    Hype for the entire build except Zapp in the title: Wins due to Zapp.

  2. Out-of-Contexterino Quoterino:
    Free… boys.
    Kripp — 2020
    Time stamp for context: 5:42

    Again, they can’t all be winners. Watched through twice, I feel like that was the best one. Please feel free to correct me if you catch one 🙂

  3. Man the luck on this run was insane. Look at those win % while he was leveling.

  4. You would have gotten dumpsters without zap and he isn’t even acknowledged!

  5. That Zapp carry at the end. Are you sure you didn't get your video titles mixed Kripp because THIS was a Zapp = Win.

  6. I forgot about kripp because I was watching people trying to surstromming. I haven’t laughed that hard in idk how long. I’m still feeling it lol 😂 highly recommend watching it if you don’t gag easily

  7. I hope this guy appreciates us mindlessly watching this churned out tripe, cause I only really half enjoy it, but I always watch it.

  8. The three card build did lose though, literally the battle before. The only card that changed anything was Zapp, the enemy’s build was better but countered by one minion

  9. Hey kripp! I just wanted to say thank you for making all these awesome videos. I hit 8k today because of everything I've learned from you 🙂

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