THIS DECK IS EVIL!! Teron Gorefiend & Endless Leper Gnomes! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

This deck is an absolute monstrosity. It should not exist. But I’ll be damned if it isn’t pretty fun despite its horrors!


#AshesOfOutland #OutlandDecks #Hearthstone

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | THIS DECK IS EVIL!! Teron Gorefiend & Endless Leper Gnomes!


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32 thoughts on “THIS DECK IS EVIL!! Teron Gorefiend & Endless Leper Gnomes! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. This is why toxic reinforcements scared me. Especially with them removing a lot of the good neutral heals, there becomes a damage threshold that just isn’t beatable for many decks.

  2. Hi Regis try ### Spell Warlock
    I was suprise wreak of Demon Hunter.

  3. A lot of these videos I notice its not against DH but that is all I play against. Is this deck good against DH?

  4. it's just too bad that im short a copy of zixor to be able to craft this deck without much dust expenditure. anyone know a nice sub for it?

  5. I came up with a new otk combo that nobody knows about yet and i want to tell u about it so u can try it and maybe be the first person to upload it

  6. I think adding those previews spoils the video for me. I enjoy thinking about and exaggerating the title and when I see that preview I cannot help but think "well this is it the peak of the video is behind you now" Just thought of voicing my opinion here

  7. Ty for this deck always looking for an funny hunter deck. Love your videos keep going.

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