What are the Hearthstone Best Decks? Today, the Deck is Hearthstone Murloc Paladin. Ashes of Outlands had a new class, Hearthstone Demon Hunter and new metas. I hope you enjoy this Murloc Paladin Gameplay.
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I play most of the tier 1 and 2 decks, put my own spin on them and teach you How To Play Hearthstone and get to Legend or whatever rank you want to get to.
Mon-Friday 9am — 2pm PST
Weekends Will be a surprise depending on how busy I am.
Tweets by elementalcore1
Demon Hunter: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_DH/
Druid: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Druid/
Hunter: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Hunter/
Mage: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Mage/
Paladin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Paladin/
Priest: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Priest/
Rogue: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Rogue/
Shaman: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Shaman/
Warlock: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Warlock/
Warrior: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Warrior/
Second Channel:
Music: Prefekt — Numb Ft. Johnning
Link: https://youtu.be/GX5e6ex7KIE
Released by JompaMusic Records: https://soundcloud.com/jompamusic
do you think murlock pali is better then totem shaman in general?
Only recently started playing again. Easily got me to Diamond with 71% win rate
When you talk about your deck, your facecam always hide the half of it. You should pay attention to that.
Blizzard Should make a Taunt neutral Murlock.
Scalelords replacement plss😂
I have Highlander Hunter and all type of these deck base on Hunter. My favorite class is Hunter. Should i make this for climb legend? Or wait for next expansion? For save dust. P.S. Thanks cause you make these videos,that helped me a lot!
Ecore can you please show us a thief galakrond priest deck?
bro why do you cry and bitch sooooooo much… per turn 1…I loose poor me so unlucky tf
Thanks! I reached Legend for the first time with this deck
No more sahlet pride?
Gold 10 — Platinum 5 with this and still climbing 🙂 would love to pimp it out with all gold cards just for the swag
7:42 always attack with the weapon first lol
Whats the budget version?
Thanks for all of the cheap decks recently! I have been free to play the last 4 years and Murloc Paladin is a perfect deck for me.
Please continue to post more murloc paly videos. I love these! I have been kicking asses with murloc paly, especially a druid's today, he only got to Bogbeam and drop Emerald Explorer. He was dead by turn 6 I think?
i crafted octosari and murloc feels really bad atm, 28 wins / 31 losses, last month without octosari i was on 104 wins / 84 losses, maybe my opponents were just extremely lucky this month but really murloc feels super bad most of the time and octosari most games just got mindcontroled frozen or silenced