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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #savjz
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Love your videos!
relatable xD
so laki peepoLeave
rip arthas
Missed beasts transition at 16:06
6:27 what a SNIPE!
Always dig! The stats don't lie
Casually gets platinum Rivendare kekw
9:15 when Bob wants to give you Rivendare
hi saviz wife
Best Jugs
I love how he paused at 19:45 to point out his MMR had the number 420 in it and he hovered over it with his mouse and said 'nice'
How about uploading some of your 8th place finishes bro? ;D
so fakentg fane) it's best uu wideo….)
19:45 nice
Savjz: This game was definitely hard carry'd by the juggler!
Goldgrubber: Am I a joke to you?
That moment when your own wife laughs at you getting roasted. PepeHands
That attack order in the final round was insane though. Blocked buff on cleave, killed off mama bear before rat pack, killed poisonous with low health minion.
I've been watching a lot of your videos lately . Love your style, super laid back and relaxing. Keep it up!
what does paid actor mean?