Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Get Chadgar, get moneys, get the powerful sea creatures on your side.
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Man i want to roll megasaur adapts like kripp.. Usually I get taunt, +3 attack and wf lol
12:40 I don't care about your Brezel mustard Bob, I just want some FKN MURLOCKS…. this with the tree in face… Epic 🤣🤣🤣🤣👌
top 2 players goes for murloc. also the third guy tried to switch to murlocs while having a good build. That shows how murlocs are broken
Another Murloc video(
3:02 misplay here; could've hero powered to get another token. the triple occurs before the second token is summoned so there would be board space
Murlocs again. Oh joy. Recently when I see a new video, I just check if it's murlocs or not, and watch when they are not. Same thing all the time gets boring.
I dunno dude. Wock + Murlocs has always been OP because the hero power is a mini brann. Would’ve liked to have seen a “how to wock with pirates or whatever”
Does he do anything besides battlegrounds.
I just got back into hearthstone after about a year.
Anybody recommend a good video or something that talks about the last few expansions.
Oh wow, You actually played so good this run. Well done Sir.
Expectet a cooking tutorial. :/
Thumbnail is nightmare fuel
More like "THIS IS HOW YOU LOC!"
my jaws that bite
Is it fourth or sixth murloc video in a row?
Wockerino noodlerino
12:09 "Nice work out depression."
Fun fact: from Kripp's last 7 vids, 6 were murloc builds, and 1 was menagerie featuring murlocs. Let me guess, the next video will be about… pirates! Makes sense, don't you agree? 🙂
that ghastcoiler in the last fight was funny hahahhaha
Why didnt you use your hero power in the those few last turns? And instead used your gold to roll?
See Murlocs, dislike murlocs.
Who needs an intervention, Kripp or murlocs?
How to force Murlocs:
Step 1: Breed cats
Step 2: Sell your cats for some sweet sweet murlocs
Why don't you heropower?
It kills me that this video wasn't titled "How to Wok It Out!
Kripp: choose shudderwock okay guys, no murlocs, just pogo tim-
see three murlocs at turn 1
Also Kripp: i dont know guys… i think the game wants some murlocs only this time
Oh boy, I wonder if kripp will play demons, dragons, mechs, beasts, or pirates today!
Everyone complains about Krip running murlocs, but it's Blizzard's fault for making them an unbeatable win condition.
That last coiler is kripp's unlucky god saying hi to him
Top damage: 74
the more i watch krip vids the more i hate his salt and the way he takes so long to play units, like does a little flick and twirl before he places the units lmao
not to mention dis regard for buffing gold grubbers and always selling the golden unitsss
Why would you not go for a 4 drop at 5:00 like you could have had 3 chances to get a gold grubber with 4+ gold minions on board
I'm stuck right around 6k, honestly. I don't play a ton, but yeah, I fluctuate right around there. I'm not even sure what that means, skillwise, lol
You could’ve had the first perfect A.F. Kay run this game!
Can't believe you didnt use the wock hero power on the primalfin, gold bagurgle OR the megasaur and rolled instead
Rollercoaster of heart attacks