Hearthstone Battlegrounds — This is just about my dream build in the Battlegrounds.
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#HearthstoneBattlegrounds #Kripp
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Has Cobalt Scalebane on board.
Rolls into Scalebane.
Sells Scalebane.
Murozond battle cry produces Scalebane
The menagerie is for guests only.
Rip the owner
Turn 9: puts highest stated minion at the very end. Smart. Also, leave it to Kripp to complain about not winning by enough…
Good u lost it. You clickbaited us, everyone thought u gonna do 6 tribes and lightfang.
Subtitles : Hey guys, crap Aryan here !
I think Blizzard should increase the starting life to 50 or even 60.
They should take the "Can't Attack" off of Cannon, lol. That would basically be equivalent to removing it except it would pollute the 2-pool and troll players who don't read the patch notes.
Today I realized that YouTube translates Kripparian to
crap aryan. Huh
Make cannon a 0/2 and remove can’t attack. That way if it was buffed by spawn it would attack and die, meaning you wouldn’t be able to make a early game build with them together.
Me: Watches Kripp and predicts exactly what choices he will make
Also Me: Actually playing Hearthstone and never getting choices anywhere near as good
Wearing a tshirt with your face on it…
Auto YT subtitles:
"Hey guys how's it going crap Aryan here…"
Miss your d2 and poe days
Why does Krip moves his head so much in his intros?
Hi kripp love watching your videos, this one was a really good menageri build, but i have ha done concern lately with your videos, i know you love murlocs and all and thats great they are amazingly hard to beat, and i also know you need some form of decent start or transition at the right point, but it feels like it has gotten easier to get murlocs, like that match when there was like 5 or 6 murloc players and you transitioned into murlocs to had a bit more luck and just completley crushed everyone and everything, and yeah i know you cant control luck, but also after awhile it becomes a bit dull and boring when 8 or 9 videos out of 10 is murlocs, or when you try a new added champion or changed and it more or less becomes, is this character bad lets try murlocs and find out, sorry for rant i just wanted to say something, but outside of that when you mix it up and do different weird or cool stuff its really enjoyable.
thank you and kind regards.
21:15 no Maexxna??? wut??
Kripp's LuckIndex™️ this game was… 1.332.
This is about the equivalent of winning 2 consecutive coin flips.
The highest LuckIndex™️ ever recorded was 1.332 in "THIS MENAGERIE HAS IT ALL!" on July 21st, 2020.
This was calculated using LuckIndex™️ v1.0.
For each round win, the raw index is divided by the probability of winning that round.
For each round loss, the raw index is multiplied by the probability of losing that round.
The raw index will be a number between 0 and +∞.
Finally, the LuckIndex™️ is calculated as the natural logarithm of the raw index.
Definitely didn’t have it all lol
Menagerie never works for me!
Terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE!!!
I'm dead…
Kripp the type of guy to cry about getting unlucky while playing chess
kripp does not go afk in this video
21:15 HUGE miss play. Could have bought maexxna And stays with a 4/4 pirate that sells for 3 Gold.
I miss the arena runs
End of this game was played so bad. You could’ve looked for ghoul, or bought maexxna or nadina to improve but you just do nothing instead… wtf
Krip:”I play for fun.” Me:”You play murlocs every game btw.”
Kripp misses methal @ 17:04 by not taking ghoul knowing his opponent had nadina
Top damage: 102
I feel like Cannon can be salvaged. Make it deal 1 damage to a random minion whenever a pirate attacks. This reduces the token value to just one pirate, which should be a lot more balanced.
How good are the kripperinos updated tier list please!
What's going on this isn't murloc game?
Your videos have helped me. Did a menagerie build with 5 goldens, one a grubber. My best build yet. 187 177 grubber at the end. Unstoppable. Of course, no Murlocs this game
yesterday i hit a guy for 40
The only thing this guy does is cry and bitch about rng
question: does the LightFang amplify all the minion types but if it has an amalgam next to it then since it has all the types then the amalgam gets the amplification for all (pirate, murloc, beast..the other) all?
Would youthful brewmaster be cool on battlegrounds?
That play with Parrot and Nadina is a clever move. It even counters Kripp if he gets a Ghoul.
I swear when I get cannon, sniped first hit. When opponents have cannon. Lives and kills my whole board
1:40 Just click this y'all
Don't watch your videos anymore, too much cringe. You always bob your head around waaaay too much during your intro. Also, your use of off topic words to describe or identify certain cards is also cringe. Nobody knows what this "minagerie" is, just use the cards real name.
Get rekt
You were pretty lazy on your positioning like usual my Vegan Lord.
Kripp video 17h ago: game is slower, Kripp game 2h ago: game is faster, Kripp game in 15h: game is slowfest?
Why does Kripp hate cannon so much😶?
Felt good winning that game, ty for the slaughter krip 😉
In some of the previous videos, Kripp: "dragons are very bad"…
Now, me: LOL.
I love how the salt still pours until it is apparent the round is won.
Does anyone know why putting cannon first means it gets "sniped less"?